Thursday, April 22, 2004

Good Friends, Good Food

Dinner tonight at Bonfire Bistro with J&R. We meet them on our trip to Louisville last weekend. They are really fun guys, J was my dancing buddy to get the night started. Both of them are in really good shape (curse them) but are really down to earth and a general good time to hang out with. They may join us for drinks after at P!'s. We'll see.

This weekend MUST be an easy one. I swear I am still paying for last weekend.

I want to be a Jockey!

They sure know how to do it down in Kentucky! For the two weeks leading up to the Ketucky Derby the entire city of Louisville turns into one great big festival. The kick-off event is Thunder Over Louisville - perportedly the largest fire works event in all of North America. It was quite spectacular. Unfortunately as I knew we would be heading directly from the fireworks to the clubs I did not bring my camera. They were quite fantastic.

The club we hung out at the most Connections in Louisville, is a fun little gem. It has no few than nine bars and at least ten different areas. These are not your average bars or area either. It is sprwaling. The building itself takes up the better half of a city block. The music was good, I don't remember a momment where I wanted to stop dancing becaue of what was being played. The crowd on Saturday night was fun. Mixed in every combination imaginable, although it tended to be cute corn feed boi's with a masculinity and charm to them that with their accent just made me swoon.

As always A* had the PZ rocking, I even got in on the game. It helped that eleven of us from Detroit headed down there. We were a force to be reconned with to be certain. Some of us were veteran's others virgins to the game. By nights end the entire group had the velvet touch.

The clubs down there stay open until 4 AM. A good thing when you consider the party pro's that we are. Things wound down by about 5 in the morning but it was definately a place we will have to head back to!

See ya'll later now, hear!?!

Monday, April 19, 2004


Thunder over Louisville. A fun time was had by all. More to come. Need to rest up first...

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Pink Eye the gift that keeps on giving. Need I say more?!?

Monday, April 05, 2004

Fish Fry

N&M have been together for 30 years. In typical lesbian fashion they were together since the second date. They threw a party to celebrate and A and I made an apperance. It was mostly older lesbian couples but some of the usual crowd was there as well so it wasn't a complete bore. A* implied to others later that it was dread full but I think he enjoyed himeself, must have been the fact that their how was pet free.

We made up for it by heading to the Eagle after that. It was completely on a whim but to our surprise that night was also the night of the Do-a-Fool Musical. People come in from all over to see that. We met a cool guy from St. Louis, MO wearing a kilt. It is just too bad for him that he had so little to show off with out anything on under there. The PZ was in full effect, A* even had a cute German via Australia un-cut and an accent to die for. To top it off my brother's boss from the USMC and his wife stopped by after calling me from the Rainbow Room, thinking that I would be there. I know I don't get it either. Apartently they had been to a Tartan Day celebration and didn't want to call it a night when the party ended so they thought of me. Now that I get. Anyway, the beauty of it was that Gunny was wearing a kilt too! Now I know it sounds bad but he had a baby smooth butt! I mean no hair, nothing, just perfect smooth skin. Round and frim too! A few times I took my attention away from him and let him fend for himself. It was like throwing him to the lions but it was fun to watch none the less.