Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Happy Pride!



Ok so I've been away for a while.  Go figure this isn't something new.  Well that's OK cause I've been having a blast.  This last weekend at pride was the best.  My hat's off to Labatt and Molson for granting me blurred vision of the last week.  Who knew... oh wait.


So there is a tonne to catch up on and no time to do it.  Suffice to say there are many a tale that would be a shame it they were not shared; plus many a pic that could equally be enjoyed.  Hopefully this evening will grant be the time to journal them. 


Oh what fun.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Oh the Places You'll Go

So I'm back from Toronto. I know I didn't even mention that I went but that is because it was a bit of a spur of the moment type thing that developed while I was in Mexico. Oh Mexico, I forgot about that too...

True to form no trip to Mexico would be complete without some drama, right!?! This time I lost my passport. So let's recap: I've lost my passport, had my wallet stolen, forgotten my luggage in the back of the taxi, been on the plane during an emergency landing due to low fuel (complete with fire engines racing alongside us on the tarmac, been diverted to Memphis due to the Great Power Outage of 2003, and nearly lost my job when I told the assembly plant guard to go have sex with himself in his native language. So I'm picking up a trend here.

Anyway, Toronto was fabulous as always.  We had our fair share of drama there as well (some people just don't know their limits, others are not quite versed in proper party etiquette, but at least there is hope.)

My only hope is that we do not have a repeat at Pride.