Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Gearing up for War

I've not been looking forward to this but it appears there is no real choice. I can sit by and do nothing, but I know I would regret that far more than doing what I can and failing (which I hope does not happen.) The battle for same-sex marriage here in Michigan will be on the ballot this November, making us only the third state in the union to amend their constitution to do so. It is regrettable that this has to happen but it will again put the topic front and center. I am firmly convinced that through education and personal reflection many hearts will change. Perhaps not in time for Michigan but the tide has been turning our way for some time, let's hope it keeps going that way.


"Cowardice asks the question--is it safe? Expediency asks the question--is it politic? Vanity asks the question--is it popular? But conscience asks the question--is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Happiness is...

Sometime we forget to pause for a moment and appreciate the simple things in life.  You know, all of the little things that while seemingly unimportant for a "big picture" point of view are the very thing that makes our life just that, our.  I like my life and am happy.  I guess sometimes I forget that.  


I've been feeling a little blue lately so I guess it makes sense that other have begun to pick up on it.  I know my friends are probably a touch frustrated with me and I know A* has questioned if I still love him or not.  The truth is I could be happier.  I may be frustrated from time to time but then who isn't?  Like I said.  I need to remember to measure my life against what I want and who I am rather than using others as the standard for happiness.  Who knew right?!?


Anyway, I hope everyone out there is happy too.


As always...


Know that you're loved.