I had to... So Happy Valentine's Day!
I started a tradition a few years back of signing off on my e-mails with "Know that you're loved," on Valentine's Day. There are times when I take it off, more so lately with the many e-mails to prospective employer's but still I believe there is much value in it.
It started off as a response to many things that where going on in my life at the time. I was single and depressed (more later) and desperately needed to feel loved myself at the time. I knew I loved many others, in varying degrees, and so it goes that I send out my e-mail with a simple note.
I was also fed up with the Christian Right feeding us this "Love the sinner, hate the sin" BS, that clearly was the current lie-de-jour. I even recall one particularly vile so called Christian us the "I love you and that is why I want you to see the pain you are causing yourself. Don't you see how unhappy you are?" It was of course the perfect ruse. First establish a system that persecute a group and then tell them that you feel for their pain, while avoiding the root cause, and offer to help by changing who they are. So the statement that she loved me felt so false and shallow that I joked that we were loved.
The truth is I am glad that I did that and continue to use it as often as I can. So... Until next time.
Know that you're loved,