This is the feeling that I have had for a while.
Sure it is hopelessly pessimistic and I am doing quite a bit to change my destiny but nevertheless I cannot help but feel that the ship is sinking, and well you ain't seen nothing yet.
I am trying to find a better job, albeit in the same market. I am planning on applying for grad school in the spring, though I know not how I will pay for it. I am trying to cut my current expenses and pay down my debts as aggressively as possible. There are other measures I could take but will for now continue to hope that I can eke this out.
I don't see it getting much better. After the dust settles which will not be for another 2 plus years the job landscape here in Michigan will be nothing like is was or even is. I have no doubt that shortly thereafter things will begin to get shaky for other reasons, reason that we now have control over but are wasting our last chance to remedy. Foreign policy, oil dependence, health care are just the obvious example of things that I fully expect to continue to plague us for years to come. Maybe becoming a pool boy isn't such a bad idea after all. Or am I too old to join the
Peace Corps?
My advice to those not yet graduated from college. Stay as far away from automotive as humanly possible. Plan on moving out of Michigan. Expect to have greater hardships than your parents ever faced.
My advice to those that do not plan on going to college. Go.
It will be years before the market figures itself out and the new economic engine is fully up and running. Let's just hope that those of us in the thick of it can make it to the other side.