Tuesday, September 19, 2006

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Pirates in tawny waters, originally uploaded by jmpznz.

Arrgh. Avst yee maties I hope you had a jolly day!

That reminds me that I need to figure out what I am going to wear to the pirate party. Everyone needs to dress like a pirate, it ought to be fun. Can you say scallywag?

Then of course there is the small matter of Halloween in San Francisco, what to wear, what to wear??? I'll be taking suggestions.

Monday, September 18, 2006


sonoma, originally uploaded by Photo dLight.

Wouldn't it be nice if this were my place?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Neighborly Love

Neighborly Love, originally uploaded by Photo dLight.

So I'm somewhat floored by what my neighbors have done recently. In fact I'm not even sure when they put this flag up but it has to have been very recently. Needless to say I am beside myself. Are they that stupid? Am I wrong to interpret their flag as an indicator that they are nothing less than intolerant and racist? Is this flag in response to, and in support of, proposal 2; that would eliminate affirmative action in government hiring and university admissions? It would be one thing if we lived in the South, were they just can't help themselves. But for God's sake we are closer to the 45th parallel than the Mason-Dixon line, is there ANY other way to take this than they are a bunch of haters? Should I be afraid or should I just laugh? What the FUCK!?!

I thought the fact that my pride flag obscured my view of their flag was fitting irony.

Is it bad to be intolerant of intolerant people?

By the way am I the only one who has noticed that Michigan's Anti-gay Marraige Amendment was also Proposal 2?

AIDS Walk 2006

AIDS Walk Detroit 2006

Thank you to everyone that contributed. I met my goal and some.

It was interesting, I've noticed that I no longer have the extreme sense of guilt or sadness that I once had. I remember the first time I volunteered with the walk and watched a mother and father present a panel for the AIDS quilt of their son who had recently died. Oh how I cried. Now I walked through the display and reflected but was not moved. There were fewer and fewer recent deaths as part of the quilt and some panels that were not memorials to individuals at all. Maybe this is a good thing but I cannot help to think that this is just a lull. Someday the virus could mutate to fight off most current medications and the death rate will again be devastating. I believe already that many feel that to be HIV positive is not so bad. No thank you. Between the side affects, the social rejection - predominately from our own community these day - the cost, 'cause these drug are not cheap and the fact that you could still die from it I think I'll pass.

True I sometimes feel like it couldn't happen to me, I've taken some risks in my past, I only number a handful of people personally who are infected, and only one with full blown AIDS, but I do not know anyone personally who has past away because of the disease. Though I have never known a sexual world without this plague I suppose in a way it is like many other things. Everything eventually becomes old news and is no longer page one. While I do not want to read about the doom and gloom of the worst off I think it is worth reminding so that someday this problem may go away.

One can only hope.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Fog Advisory

IMG_0506, originally uploaded by Photo dLight.

We had a fog advisory this morning and it got me thinking of a land far, far away. I never fail to have a good time while I'm out there. Admittedly it has always been short trips on vacation but still there is something about the place that I like, and it's more the just the overwhelming number of gay men.

Last night I posted my resume on Monster to see what there may be out in the area. Not really pursuing anything actively but rather waiting to see what might come to me, at least for now. My only mistake so far is leaving Michigan as a selected location. I've already received three calls in the first 24 hours. Weren't we in a recession?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'll drink to that!

According to a new study those that drink make more money that those that don't.

Wo who!

Of course the key point of the study indicates that it is because of the connection with colleagues, customers and business associates that is developed over a few frosty ones that is what makes all the difference. In other words drinking alone or getting smashed at the bar with the girls doesn't count.

You couldn't pay me to drink with my customer and many of my colleagues wouldn't want to drink with me, so... guess I better find a different way of getting ahead.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Late Night Sparty

Late Night Sparty #2, originally uploaded by O Caritas.

New MSU GLBT Alumni Association to Host Sept. 30 Homecoming Reception

The newly-formed association for GLBT Alumni of Michigan State University will host a reception for GLBT alumni near the university’s East Lansing campus immediately following the Sept. 30 homecoming football game. The reception will take place at the James B. Henry Center for Executive Development at 3535 Forest Road, part of the University Club/Candlewood Suites complex just south of the Forest Akers Golf Course and approximately two miles south of campus. All MSU GLBT alumni, their family and friends are welcome. A cash bar will be available and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

8 weeks from today

Governor Granholm, originally uploaded by T.W.I.T..

It's time to vote again. Eight short weeks from tonight it will be too late. Educate yourself, learn the issues that will be on your local ballot, get to know the candidates as best you can and vote. I of course have my preferences but vote your conscience. All I ask is that when you vote do not only think of today and the next year but tomorrow and 30 years from now. Changing a political tide is like turning an aircraft carrier, it doesn't turn on a dime. Decisions made today have the potential to reverberate for decades to come. Where will you be? What world will you want to live in? How can you start to change the course of the world to get there today?

If you still haven't registered to vote there is still time. In Michigan you must be registered 30 days prior to the election. Click here to register.

Want to know what your ballot will look like? Chick here.

Monday, September 11, 2006

en memoriam

WTC 2006 - 1, originally uploaded by socs.

for all of the things that now never will be, let us not forget