Thursday, September 04, 2003

Should I really be awake at this hour? My mind is going a mile a minute but the thoughts are so broken nothing constructive is formed. Imagine if we could harness our thought power to solve all the problems of this world? We’re human though so I’m sure even if we could we would give ourselves an entirely new set in the process.

So I still don’t know what if anything I want to do with this site. My impulse says that it will find itself. In part I want to share the trip with you. Part of me wants to have this documented for my own record. We’ll see where it goes.

I hope to get some sleep tonight. I’d really like to make it to the gym tomorrow. It's been a while. Although I am still in decent shape I can tell and it bothers me. It's my fault though I've taken on too much once again and I am simply overloaded. It is times like these where it is more important than ever for me to get a go workout in. Like "A" always told me "you need to just relax." In time I'm sure...

I’ve started putting together a list of things that I want to do all the while forgetting that I have a completely different list of things that I either have to do or at the very least said I would. No more commitments to others for a time. I need to take care of me for a bit and get my house back in order. (Figuratively and literally). It is going to take some time however, I only hope I’m patient enough to remember that. It never has been one of my stronger traits. My lack of patience is partially why I find myself in my present situation. Not that I can do anything about that now, nevertheless…

OK so I’m just bored and rambling now. Hoping that sleep will come my way soon. Perhaps I’ll finish the latest E. Lynn Harris book I bought, it has been collecting dust for the past few months. Yet another personal commitment that took a back seat to accommodate another. Enough…

Until later.

Know that you’re loved

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