Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Hard to believe it has been a week. Well time does fly when having fun. I suppose a recap is in order.

Thursday: A* spent the night again. I really do enjoy his company. We met up with friends at the Double O and then went out for dinner just the two of us. I had tentatively made plans with Rich that night but he didn't get back to me until it was much too late.

Friday: I drove down to Dearborn to take him back to his car. Not a bad little drive really and I am not going direct into the office anyway so no worries.

Later that evening we headed down to Columbus. Fun little city. The area we hung out at seemed very gay friendly. Axis was an interesting club. It had a good mix of boys most of the twink variety. Some were rolling most were not is my guess. The music was OK. I got a copy of the DJs CD.

Drama ensued as the night wore on. Things have started to become more clear and yet more confusing at the same time. Yep definitely drama.

Saturday: Return to the doll-drums. A* had dinner with an old college friend. I got to play host at the MB. The long awaited bar-outreach night that started in concept last June. It went much better than I would have guessed - at least from the point of view of my being able to sell and talk to people. Not my favorite thing to do. I was quite impressed with myself. Gave A* a call between sets and convinced him to spend the night. Got to get out of that place ASAP. Yea me.

Sunday: Was a wedding reception brunch for Mike & Pegg (note two gg and no Peggy). I had previously said I would go and so I brought A* along. I hadn't thought much of it. We were horribly underdressed although noone mentioned it. I wasn't so concerned but still even I would have like to do it up a notch. While he can fit my shirts and shoes, pant length is another story all together. I wasn't going to have him be underdressed by himself.

We crashed at my place for a bit after the reception. That's when it hit. FINALLY! A couple of people had apparently inquired as to our status at the brunch. A* finally said "Can we date?" Which is to say can we be boyfriends. We sort of were dating. It was weird and complicated but I understood it so it worked. That said I would like nothing more than to be with him and said as much.

That evening was the Hope Fund Event. Our first event as a couple. It showed. We had a blast and I was on cloud nine. The Westin is so fabulous. We are hosting our annual dinner there in March so I'm ecstatic about that. That I could be more open in my affection was even better. I was happy that night.

A* crashed again at my place. On the way home we had the top down, it was probably one of the last nights we could do that. We sang to the songs on the Moulin Rouge CD. We sang our hearts out, and we loved it. We were happy that night.
Tuesday was Slappy D's birthday at the MB. He is a nice guy although I haven't forgotten that he once said I was probably the queeniest person he had ever met. I'll show him queenie. Oops nothing like proving a point, huh?!?

Work it a blur right now, too much. But that is OK. Speaking of which I better get rolling. I need to be up in the AM. 'til next time.

Know that you're loved,


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Recipe for Disaster

OK fun with colors... I've wanted to change the color of this blog to a more purple hue for some time. Given my limitations of time and software (I'm not buying new software for this computer and I'd like to wait just a touch longer before I buy a new PC.) not everything is finished. I've already changed back and forth a few times. I am changing this in steps, so bare with me.

Speaking of color.

Work was crazy today. A week ago when asked if one of my tools would be running this week I gave a rather terse "NO". As if to imply whatever you think you know you don't so please stop wasting my time. Turns out my darling account manager scheduled a run for me and then neglected to inform me. Which is all well and good except that we don't have enough plastic right now to run the tool, not to mention making me look like a clown. Yeah, problem! I spent most of Monday and yesterday trying to find out where my material and colorant was. I had requested a batch some time back but told them I wouldn't need it until mid-month at the earliest so no rush. Oops!

The sales guy at Dow expedite overnight ships the material at a considerable cost only to find out that I do not yet have colorant so we won't be running after all. I could scream. I've been working on a rollout of a new piece of software to our product engineering team so the last thing I had time for today was placing the roll of shipping and logistics. The good news is I have to be in the office at 7:00AM tomorrow morning so that I can pick up were I left off tonight.

Have I mentioned I love my job?!?

The Bloggosphere Enlightened

Just read a very enlightened blog. I am always grateful when I can read what I struggle to say. I have even had a hard time explaining to some in our own community why it is important to make a contribution. or explaining why diversity, not just blending of gay and straight, but real diversity, is so important. I wish that more would do something. Perhaps then the few of us that do, the usual suspects as I think of them, would not get so burned out.

I remember my friend Howard once asked me why I thought it was that so few do as much as we do for a community that would otherwise seem indifferent to our efforts. Guilt was my first thought, but I know it must be something larger. If I ever figure that out, look out.

"In order to increase the abiding satisfaction for the mass of our people and all people, someone must sacrifice something of his own happiness. It is silly to tell intelligent human beings “be good and you will be happy.” The truth is today - be good, be decent, be honorable and self-sacrificing and you will not always be happy. You will often be desperately unhappy. You may even be crucified, dead and buried and the third day you will be just as dead as the first. But with the death of your happiness may easily come increased happiness and satisfaction and fulfillment for other people, strangers, unborn babes, uncreated worlds. If this is not sufficient incentive never try it, remain hogs…”

Commencement address to Howard University, 1930 - W. E. B. Du Bois (first African American to earn a PhD from Harvard)

Tuesday, October 07, 2003


We lost power again today. This time I had the benefit of being on the ground when it happened. Luckily it was isolated to the immediate area around where I work. A transformer caught fire just down the street from my office building. Most everyone else went home at lunch time today, I had a meeting with the “customer” who had power so I went off to their place. I did have a second meeting that was canceled so it turned out to be an early day for me as well. Yea, me!

If we don’t have power tomorrow the offices will be closed again. Not that it is likely but even so I’m not so lucky. I have a meeting at our Southfield office so unless they can move the black-out…

When I got home I mowed the lawn and started prepping it for winter. I have to say that it looks good right now. I still don’t understand why my lawn doesn’t look half as good as my neighbors but then I’m hardly ever here so, oh well.

This weekend is starting to look like another action packed one.

  • Friday - we are heading to Columbus. Mr. Withipey, A, and myself decided that we needed a short little getaway. This will be a kind of test run for South Beach and the White Party. I sometimes have issues of a sort so this will be a good chance to find my comfort zone.

  • Saturday – Affirmations Bar Outreach Night at the MB. I’m a little less than thrilled about this. Originally, I was supposed to be there to merely represent the Board with support from the staff and volunteering doing the talking about the center shtick. I have no problem helping out, collecting the cover/donations at the door and even answering questions. I cannot and rather have no desire to be a one-man show.

  • Sunday – Wedding reception brunch and the Hope Fund 2003 Campaign Kick-Off Event. The fundraiser will be at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport Westin. Affirmations is hosting their gala fundraiser diner there next March. This will be my first chance to see the place in action.

  • All in all it ought to be another interesting weekend.

    Sunday, October 05, 2003

    What an interesting weekend. Tee Hee Hee.

    Well enough of that...

    Thursday, October 02, 2003

    Aye dios mio!

    Well that was nice. Nothing like a fun little romp to get your spirits up, or at the very least to relieve some tension. It is interesting how when sometimes at the very moment that I need something a solution presents itself to me. I suppose I should have better faith, or at the very least patience to know that the answer is out there. Give it time right? In the mean time there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be having fun myself. It is interesting to think that I knew how the night was going to go. I suspect that if I had thought otherwise I would have bailed. I had other options and wasn’t going to waste my time any other way. I do not think I will ever be a full Top but the trend sure is going that way. Intriguing. I guess we’ll just have to see where this takes us.

    I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of some of my friends. Little by little I learn this or that and in the process see new facets of that individual that I had otherwise only hoped for, or suspected. Again another journey whose next revelation I eagerly await. I am truly lucky to be surrounded by such great people.