Well that was nice. Nothing like a fun little romp to get your spirits up, or at the very least to relieve some tension. It is interesting how when sometimes at the very moment that I need something a solution presents itself to me. I suppose I should have better faith, or at the very least patience to know that the answer is out there. Give it time right? In the mean time there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be having fun myself. It is interesting to think that I knew how the night was going to go. I suspect that if I had thought otherwise I would have bailed. I had other options and wasn’t going to waste my time any other way. I do not think I will ever be a full Top but the trend sure is going that way. Intriguing. I guess we’ll just have to see where this takes us.
I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of some of my friends. Little by little I learn this or that and in the process see new facets of that individual that I had otherwise only hoped for, or suspected. Again another journey whose next revelation I eagerly await. I am truly lucky to be surrounded by such great people.