My, my, my it has been a while hasn’t it…
Unfortunately some of the most interesting things happen to me when I’m away, or at least in the real world. I’ve not had the time nor the inclination to sit in front of my computer much lately. A* says that I’ve spread myself thin. To a degree he is right. However I think of times when I haven’t had much of anything going on and I just haven’t always been much into sitting in front of a computer for hours. I do that every day at work. The last thing I need is to do the same thing at home. I need to be busy that is for certain. A lot of those reasons have much to do with who I am and why I get myself over committed but still. I want to be here more, partially for my own reasons, less so to make some sort of contribution to the “internet community” if there is such a thing.
So like I’ve said some of the most interesting things happen to me. The people I’ve met, the things I’ve done, or not done. I resolve to be here more.
That said winter is coming and the darkness approaches. I’ve seen glimmers of it particularly over this last weekend. How I loath the cold. I’m being proactive this year and already have a trip to Mexico and Miami in the works. Not to say that either one of those trips will fortify me for the months to come but it might, and I chose to believe that it will. I know what I need to do to be on this side of that. I only need to keep to task and I can do it.
OK so it may have been a ramble today and I may be one of the few that understands but it is what it is and it’s more than it has been in almost a month.
Until next time.
Know that you're loved,