Friday, April 22, 2005

Any minute now...

Waiting for the pre-election campaign finance statement to print. I have to make certain that it prints completely cause well I'm not a morning person and well it just won't be pretty if I get up in the morning and the computer decided to f*ck me. I need to make a noon time rendez vous with my candidate so that he can sign off and then I get to deal with the County Clerks Office. My tax dollars hard at work I'm sure.

I hope to make some major progress on the upstairs this weekend. I'm so close I can taste it and had it not been for the filing deadline I probably would have been up there tonight, although certainly not this late. Or is it early now? At any rate, the dry wall is complete save for the half wall which we have decide will wait until after some of the larger pieces of furniture get placed. Not that they couldn't go up afterwards but heck this will be far easier and with any luck I won't have to think about bring the sh...tuff down any time soon.

Nothing too entertaining to report. Lately things have been humdrum due to my aforementioned circumstances. Bare with me, eh.

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