All of the news stories about the
Google subpoena battle should have

people thinking about what is really private when it comes to the internet. If you know anything about the internet, particularly if you have a working knowledge on the development of the early days, or
ARPANET, then you should no that where ever you go on-line, whatever you do you leave a trail. Most of commercial websites, if not all of them, can tell what IP address you came from, whether you were referred by another website, found the site by a search engine - and if so which search engine and what your search criteria were, or if you jumped directly to that site. They can tell approximately how long you were there, and how you left. And that I'm sure is only the tip of the iceberg.
Granted none of the information left behind will, per se, tell them who you are specifically. But an established history and repeated hits to a site can provide some information to hint at your identity.

is it a problem? I for one have so much out there that it would be silly for me to fret over. I have little intention of doing anything even remotely illegal, on-line or elsewhere so I don't really care. The information stored is so massive the companys that store the information can only ever hope to come up with generalizations. And the government... well while I will always question their intent to some degree , especially with our current administration, I balance that with their utter incompetence to do any real harm.
So next time you are going to "google" some porn think twice, or don't.
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