Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Steppin' OUT

Hey gang,

I know, I know long time no read for many of you. Suffice to say things have been busy – or I have been overly distracted lately. Anyway I wanted to remind ya’ll about this year’s AIDS Walk Detroit in Royal Oak on Sunday 17 September. After taking last year off I will again be participating this year and have set a rather ambitious goal of $1000. In past years I’ve come awfully close to that amount and in all I have raised well over $3000 in the past five years. None of this could have been done with out your help though and I’m hoping this year may be no different. If you would like to make a donation this year it is as easy as clicking on the link below.

Whether you choose to give $10 or $100 every dollar will go to helping those affected by HIV/AIDS. Your support is greatly appreciated.


I hope this letter finds you in great spirits and health, I hope to talk to many of you soon. Let me know how you are doing in your own corner of the universe. Until then…

Know that you're loved,


"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown

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