Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

So here we are, time for our resolutions. Some are the usual although I fully intend to keep, I've been there before so I know I can do it, plus with some of my other resolutions this may be easier than I think. So let's see...
  1. Eat healthy - This isn't a diet so much as a lifestyle. It isn't as hard as you would think it simply means you need to eat in moderation and eat those things that you already know are good for you.
  2. Exercise - Again not so bad when you put your mind to it. I did it for years and just got out of the habit. The two factors against me right now are the 'others' that will fail by March or so and the time that I will spend away from 'A'
  3. Worry less - If I am going to live for any period of time I need to recognize that I cannot effect everything. I just need to get over it. And so I shall...
  4. Love more - need I say more?!?
  5. and lastly I think that I am going to stop drinking - I know, stop the presses but hey it may be a good thing for me and besides it will help with my other resolutions so it is kind of a win-win when you think about it.

So there you have it. I will try to keep ya'll up to speed on my progress. Here's hoping, eh!?!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

So this is Christmas...

Actually not a bad night for a pre-Christmas party. Glad that we were able to gather as friends again for the first and in some case the last time. In many ways I know that I have learned and grown from who I've met in this last year. Love has obviously been a major part of that and I am glad for the growth if not just the love and friendship that I have benifited from in these last days. I look forward to so many more.

As always, know that you're loved.


Monday, November 15, 2004


Reasons to move to Canada, as cited by

1. Canada has universal public health care.

2. Canada has no troops in Iraq.

3. Canada signed the Kyoto Protocol environmental treaty.

4. More than half of Canada's provinces allow same-sex marriage.

5. The Canadian Senate recommends legalizing marijuana.

6. Canada has no law restricting abortion.

7. Canada has strict gun laws and relatively little violence.

8. The United Nations has ranked Canada the best country to live in for eight consecutive years.

9. Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976.

10. Canada has not run a federal deficit since 1996-97.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Gearing up for War

I've not been looking forward to this but it appears there is no real choice. I can sit by and do nothing, but I know I would regret that far more than doing what I can and failing (which I hope does not happen.) The battle for same-sex marriage here in Michigan will be on the ballot this November, making us only the third state in the union to amend their constitution to do so. It is regrettable that this has to happen but it will again put the topic front and center. I am firmly convinced that through education and personal reflection many hearts will change. Perhaps not in time for Michigan but the tide has been turning our way for some time, let's hope it keeps going that way.


"Cowardice asks the question--is it safe? Expediency asks the question--is it politic? Vanity asks the question--is it popular? But conscience asks the question--is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Happiness is...

Sometime we forget to pause for a moment and appreciate the simple things in life.  You know, all of the little things that while seemingly unimportant for a "big picture" point of view are the very thing that makes our life just that, our.  I like my life and am happy.  I guess sometimes I forget that.  


I've been feeling a little blue lately so I guess it makes sense that other have begun to pick up on it.  I know my friends are probably a touch frustrated with me and I know A* has questioned if I still love him or not.  The truth is I could be happier.  I may be frustrated from time to time but then who isn't?  Like I said.  I need to remember to measure my life against what I want and who I am rather than using others as the standard for happiness.  Who knew right?!?


Anyway, I hope everyone out there is happy too.


As always...


Know that you're loved.



Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Happy Pride!



Ok so I've been away for a while.  Go figure this isn't something new.  Well that's OK cause I've been having a blast.  This last weekend at pride was the best.  My hat's off to Labatt and Molson for granting me blurred vision of the last week.  Who knew... oh wait.


So there is a tonne to catch up on and no time to do it.  Suffice to say there are many a tale that would be a shame it they were not shared; plus many a pic that could equally be enjoyed.  Hopefully this evening will grant be the time to journal them. 


Oh what fun.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Oh the Places You'll Go

So I'm back from Toronto. I know I didn't even mention that I went but that is because it was a bit of a spur of the moment type thing that developed while I was in Mexico. Oh Mexico, I forgot about that too...

True to form no trip to Mexico would be complete without some drama, right!?! This time I lost my passport. So let's recap: I've lost my passport, had my wallet stolen, forgotten my luggage in the back of the taxi, been on the plane during an emergency landing due to low fuel (complete with fire engines racing alongside us on the tarmac, been diverted to Memphis due to the Great Power Outage of 2003, and nearly lost my job when I told the assembly plant guard to go have sex with himself in his native language. So I'm picking up a trend here.

Anyway, Toronto was fabulous as always.  We had our fair share of drama there as well (some people just don't know their limits, others are not quite versed in proper party etiquette, but at least there is hope.)

My only hope is that we do not have a repeat at Pride.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

C'est La Vie

Sitting at the bar last night I noticed a table of guys sitting around watching the football game on TV. One came up the bar and ordered drinks for the table in perfect Spanish. I was a bit surprise because although they could have been they just didn't look Mexican. First of all they were cute and the cloths they were wearing had a more European style to them. As it happened I knew one of the engineers playing pool which was just behind their table. While I was talking to them I heard them talking, but not in Spanish but rather French. Ou la la. I sat there and listened to their conversation, not picking up nearly enough to understand, but the sound of their language was so beautiful. I'd forgotten how much more elegant French is, particularly when compared to Spanish. It was quite a treat. After re-calibrating my gaydar to account for the Euro-factor they fell off the map, but oh how they would have been a treat.

So I complained yesterday about the tedium that is working in Mexico. Today karma stepped in and took me bowling with the Supplier Quality Manager from our customer. You have to say something about going bowling in the middle of the day with someone who normally inspires fear rather than fun. It was a good break from the norm and I managed to break 100 on each game; not bad for someone who rarely bowls at all. I didn't care for the 'high-fives' that followed each bowler in each frame. I have yet to figure out if they just wanted to increase the machismo of bowling or just needed the ego boost. Straights... go figure.

Of course to balance that out it is the rainy season here and some of the cactus are beginning to bloom. I brought my camera but proceeded to forget the memory card. I have my small one but that holds only a handful of pictures. I guess I get what I can and hopefully post a few later.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Sunrise, Sunset

Working in Mexico isn't a whole lot of fun. I leave for the plant about the time the sun is rising. Stand around at the assembly plant most of the day waiting for something to happen. Most of the time it is a completely uneventful day (which in a way is good, but gosh is it boring.) Lunch is usually something quick and dirty, such as the Taco stand across the street from the plant. (My best advice is to not eat there and if you do, do not look behind the counter to see how they do it.) I've survived so far, but then I probably just jinxed myself.

Anyway, after we are done at the assembly plant I head over to my manufacturing plant. There I get to argue with my own coworkers as to what is truly important and where we should be spending the majority of our resources. They do things different down here, I'll leave it at that.

Once I am done with that there is the mountain of paper work that needs to be processed on any regular day. After getting sick of waiting form my internet connection to do something I usually call it a day around 8. At that time I can make it back to the hotel and order room service because I am just too tired to go out at that point. If I am lucky I will get three or four continuous hours of sleep before I wake up to do it again.

So for those of you that say, "Gee, Mexico how nice!" think about that before thinking I am on some sort of boondoggle.

Have a great day

Monday, May 17, 2004

Random Thoughts

Have you ever noticed the moment the lead flight attendant announces that you need to remain in your seats until we are parked at the gate is precisely when most people take their seat belts off?!?

If you are in a line on a moving side walk which is hopelessly clogged, because someone up front is either to ignorant to notice everyone behind him or just doesn't care, do you really need to push your way through that line when everyone else wants to be moving as well but can't.

Don't you think that getting on to an elevator, before everyone that is getting off has had a chance to do so, is kind of like wiping you butt before you shit?

Friday, May 14, 2004

What happened?

So I've realized that in many ways those things that were important to me before have taken a bit of a back seat to other things. I don't go to the gym much any more and while I can definitely tell the difference and want to have a better body I cannot seem to find the motivation to do so. I read some of my early blogs and again realized that at one point I put a lot more into these than I do now as well. Well the fact of the matter is that this isn't because things are bad or my life is so tortuous that I no longer do those things that seemed to give me some degree of happiness in the past. Things are actually really good. And that is just it, while I am extremely busy and find little time for some of the more frivolous things in life (like the time to write a decent blog) many of those things I did previously were more filler than anything else. I did them to pass the time. They were distractions of a sort to get me through the day. I don't have much free time because I am busy doing those things that I want to do.

That said I need to focus more on certain things that have fallen by the wayside because well they are important to me. They just took a back burner while I focused on other more important things.

Besides you all want to know about the "Jungle Juice Party" not my job or my woes. So be it... later, when I have time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


We spent the evening looking at new cars, tonight. A* has had the itch to get something knew lately and is thinking of getting something new and shiny to replace his Saturn. We looked at a few different cars. I would have preferred to look at the new Chrysler 300 C. Way out of budget but a boy can dream right? At the Dodge dealership we test drove a Dodge SRT-4. I nearly wet myself. Now granted it isn’t a Porsche but boy was that car fun. Getting back into my car after that one just didn’t cut it.

The countdown to Toronto Pride is on. I can hardly wait! I definitely need to get myself to the gym and get this body into prime shape for that event! So who else is going?!?

I’m taking a break from trying to re-educate my computer. I had to wipe it some time back (the third time in as many months.) This time Firewalls and Blockers and everything you can imagine is between me and the bad people. So be ware. ‘til later.

Know that you're loved,


"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown

Monday, May 10, 2004

This Just In

Breaking News: To good to wait until later. PZ has now made the airwaves in metro Detroit. Flim at eleven.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

This is NOT a Test


So the worm has crippled my computer. I am slowly backing up files and preparing it for a complete lobotomy. Frustrating to say the least as this will be the third time in 3 months on a brand new computer. Ya gotta love Windows XP!

So in other new Toronto Pride is only 49 days away. I need to get my but to the gym and stick to eatting healthy a little bit better. I gots ta look good fo' my peeps! Trust!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

After the blogging Holiday

OK, OK I suck I know. Well of course I do but that is an entirely different story. I have been crazy busy - as usual - but then I really do think I like it that way. I tend to get a little frazzled from time to time and I swear I feel like I'm always on the go but when I sit for even a short period of time I get antsy and cannot help but want to do something. Now that's not to say that I don't indulge myself every now and again but really even when I rent a movie and watch it I end up doing something else at the same time. Multi-tasking that is, or as Michael would say "zat is very Efficient, ya!" or something like that. Thing is in all of my doing a little bit of everything blogging things down just doesn't seem to fall on the list. It also doesn't help that my computer caught a cold.

So anyway as a quick catch up...

Tuesday night A* and I have dinner with ARE at our place and end up at the MB. Complete mess. Why I go out drinking on a work night is absolutely beyond me. (sometimes I wonder why I go out drinking at all, but then again...)

The rest of the week was pretty low key. Did a lot of work around the house and yard. A* headed back to Louisville for the Derby on Friday leaving me to my own devices. I managed to get quite a few little tasks done around the house and managed to hang out with some friends as well. All in all not a bad weekend, although I could have done without the rain.

This week proves to be interesting. I seem to be on a roll with some of the renovations I have going so I am going to try my hardest to stay focused on that. We'll see. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Good Friends, Good Food

Dinner tonight at Bonfire Bistro with J&R. We meet them on our trip to Louisville last weekend. They are really fun guys, J was my dancing buddy to get the night started. Both of them are in really good shape (curse them) but are really down to earth and a general good time to hang out with. They may join us for drinks after at P!'s. We'll see.

This weekend MUST be an easy one. I swear I am still paying for last weekend.

I want to be a Jockey!

They sure know how to do it down in Kentucky! For the two weeks leading up to the Ketucky Derby the entire city of Louisville turns into one great big festival. The kick-off event is Thunder Over Louisville - perportedly the largest fire works event in all of North America. It was quite spectacular. Unfortunately as I knew we would be heading directly from the fireworks to the clubs I did not bring my camera. They were quite fantastic.

The club we hung out at the most Connections in Louisville, is a fun little gem. It has no few than nine bars and at least ten different areas. These are not your average bars or area either. It is sprwaling. The building itself takes up the better half of a city block. The music was good, I don't remember a momment where I wanted to stop dancing becaue of what was being played. The crowd on Saturday night was fun. Mixed in every combination imaginable, although it tended to be cute corn feed boi's with a masculinity and charm to them that with their accent just made me swoon.

As always A* had the PZ rocking, I even got in on the game. It helped that eleven of us from Detroit headed down there. We were a force to be reconned with to be certain. Some of us were veteran's others virgins to the game. By nights end the entire group had the velvet touch.

The clubs down there stay open until 4 AM. A good thing when you consider the party pro's that we are. Things wound down by about 5 in the morning but it was definately a place we will have to head back to!

See ya'll later now, hear!?!

Monday, April 19, 2004


Thunder over Louisville. A fun time was had by all. More to come. Need to rest up first...

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Pink Eye the gift that keeps on giving. Need I say more?!?

Monday, April 05, 2004

Fish Fry

N&M have been together for 30 years. In typical lesbian fashion they were together since the second date. They threw a party to celebrate and A and I made an apperance. It was mostly older lesbian couples but some of the usual crowd was there as well so it wasn't a complete bore. A* implied to others later that it was dread full but I think he enjoyed himeself, must have been the fact that their how was pet free.

We made up for it by heading to the Eagle after that. It was completely on a whim but to our surprise that night was also the night of the Do-a-Fool Musical. People come in from all over to see that. We met a cool guy from St. Louis, MO wearing a kilt. It is just too bad for him that he had so little to show off with out anything on under there. The PZ was in full effect, A* even had a cute German via Australia un-cut and an accent to die for. To top it off my brother's boss from the USMC and his wife stopped by after calling me from the Rainbow Room, thinking that I would be there. I know I don't get it either. Apartently they had been to a Tartan Day celebration and didn't want to call it a night when the party ended so they thought of me. Now that I get. Anyway, the beauty of it was that Gunny was wearing a kilt too! Now I know it sounds bad but he had a baby smooth butt! I mean no hair, nothing, just perfect smooth skin. Round and frim too! A few times I took my attention away from him and let him fend for himself. It was like throwing him to the lions but it was fun to watch none the less.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Frat Boys & Gay Men

Had jay out to the MB last night. I had some business in GR during the day and met up with him in Lansing. After that we hit the road for home, but I had other plans. I knew A* and a few others we out for drinks so I figured in his present state we could use this to our advantage. Not that I figured it would go much further than getting him through the door but still. I wanted to get him there and I did. A* even managed to get him involved in a little game of petting zoo. Yep that's right. And when others stepped up to their turn at bat jay says that A* is the only one that can play! How about that?!? The powers that boy has, I'll never understand. Today is a slow one other wise. Hopefully the rest of the week will be just as low key.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Big Bash Revisited

As usual a good time was had by all. Too much to drink had by some. Wanna guess where I sit in that category?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The eyes have it

Monday, March 22, 2004

Drama table for one! Now seating Drama table for one.

Saturday, March 20, 2004


We are quickly reaching sell out! When we started the organization of this year's Big Bash we had many detractors. Given that we are close to selling out every ticket and then some I would have to say that all fears have been relieved.

Thursday, March 18, 2004


Just call me the Green Lantern. Last night's "Light" show was over the Top.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I hope you wore your Green.

Drink's at Pronto! last night as a warm up to tonight. Got a call at 6:45AM to see if I was gonna hit the pub for breakfast. Umm... sounds like fun, 'cept that I need to go to work. Some friends were hitting the bar by 8 o'clock AM, with no intention of making it to work today. Not fair. Well, we'll see how they handle tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Tickets! Get your tickets, here!

So what's the deal. I've been trying to sell tickets to the Big Bash - Affirmation's big fund raiser dinner - and have had several people avoiding me as a result of it. Now I know that some people for one reason or another cannot afford or are unwilling to spend money on the $125.00 ticket. I understand that. It is not as though I could always afford these tickets and I know why certain people can't afford to spend the money. That is OK. So when I ask you, "would you like to attend the Big Bash, and sit at my table." Feel free to say, "No, unfortunately at this time I cannot afford the ticket price." If you want to give me a more detailed explaination go ahead although you are under no obligation to do so. Likewise if I am not the only person to have asked you and for whatever reason you have decided to sit at the other individuals table, that too is OK. When it comes right down to it I don't mind that you are sitting at someone elses table, the important thing is that you are attending the dinner. What I do mind is that you don't call me to tell me that or return my voicemail/e-mail when I request (sometimes multiple times) a response either way. It is simple RSVP etiquette. I would rather know one way or the other so that I can focus my energies on other people. That is what it all comes down too. I'm likely to be more irritated with you because it took me a week to get answer out of you then it will be if you say NO.

OK, you got it? Now start doing it!

Thank you and enjoy the dinner.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Weekend in Review

Yet another fun weekend.

The birthday party Friday night was a blast. My friend Jay was there. I've always thought that he was family and when A* met he got closer to confirming it but still to no avail. There were four of us that got happy drunk and proceed to flirt with each other, Jay being among the four. We got him to lift his shirt and show of his pecs, and apparently his nipples. Wow! Pillow pecs and nipples that don't stop. I was impressed. Now I would love to prove he is family just to claim him as one of ours. Jay has said he would go to any bar with us but every time we make plans he manages to bail on us at the last minute. I remain hopefully A* is less optimistic.

Saturday we headed back out to GR for my nephews birthday. The party was at my sister-in-law's parent's house, which can be rather intimidating as her family is Dutch Reform which isn't exactly the most liberal. Nevertheless A* and I went. Afterwards we headed to downtown GR and tore up the town. It was a nice change of pace and a good bonding experience as well. Lets hope there are more like that.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Innocence Lost

So last night was sort of like when you first realize that perhaps Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny aren't real. We were at Pronto! but I wasn't drinking. Those people could not be more boring. Conversation ranged from the inane to the unintelligible. Aside from being far too crowded to enjoy to begin with there were very few of the usual crowd, which only added to my utter lack of fun. I suppose I am being a bit harsh. I was extremely tired and I did have some good conversation with some of my fellow teetotalers. Adding to the adventure a friend of ours had a bit too much to drink - I guess he felt he had to make up for me - and I got to drive his car home. I want one!

Had a little bit of clean up in the morning. I suspect he was trying to make up for so drama in his love life right now. I still haven't figure out what the deal was. It's all good though. Tonight is a friends 48th birthday. It should be quite fun and A* has reluctantly agreed to come along. He is of the opinion that this will be too political and boring. Most of these folks once they get a drink or too in them are pretty entertaining. Besides he'll never get to know them if he doesn't hang out with them.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Drinks Anyone

How ironic! I write yesterday about how I would someday like to be a parent and today I receive news that friends of ours are in the process to adopt a child. I don't normally ask anyone to read my blog, primarily because it gives me the opportunity to be as free in my writing as possible, however this time I couldn't help it and asked A* to read my own timely thoughts.

Last night way a doosey! We went to the Double O for drinkies after work. That ended up in drinks at my place where I proceed to get over the top. Luckily today I am feeling surprising well and will probably forego the drink tonight. I know I vented a little bit to one of my best friends but it has been an on-going thing that really should be resolved otherwise it will destroy our friendship in the long run.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


So yet another of my cousins now has a baby. She is a cutie. Not that I doubt that they know how very luck they are but I hope they realize what a great gift they have been given and cherish every day the child that has come into their life. Not everyone is so lucky. Many couples, and individuals, gay or straight would give quite a bit to be so blessed. Not that I am ready for it, but I am getting there. A* and I have talked about our visions of the future and a child is almost certainly something we both would like. Not that "we" are anywhere near ready for that responsibility. I guess that is what makes gay parents such good parents. While the child will most likely face some hardship because he or she has two daddies but at least we would have planned ahead and only adopted after we knew we were ready for our child. Unlike many str8 relationships where the kid can come along rather unexpectedly or worse unwanted. Moreover many of use having come from our own childhood were we knew certain things were not quite right and some having suffered from that are more attuned to that ourselve and therefore more likely to pick up on some subtle issues that may effect our own child.

Someday, I hope I can be as lucky as them.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

OK I don't know which gremlin stole my Blog from Monday but I want it back. On second thought you can keep it. It was boring anyway.

Election Time is here! Not that it has escaped me that it was coming but now I am really in the thick of it. I just applied for on Tax Payer ID and for on-line training of the new electronic filing system for campaign finance. That should really help me with the processing of paperwork. Wa who! I'm not sure why but I have again volunteered (after being asked so is it really volunteering?!?) to be the treasurer for not one but two different campaigns. One is for Oakland Community College Board of Trustees and the second is for State of Michigan House of Representatives. Luckily the first will be over by June and should be significantly less complicated than the later (no primary and much less money).

I finished yet another home improvement project! This one replaced the old fixtures in my bath. I went with the retro look. There are some fantastic contemporary designs out there. That will have to wait for the full remodel. Next project is the BIGGIE - the upstairs - (dunt, dunt dunnnn...). I have been putting it off for far too long. I actually have the entire thing visualized now and am quite excited to finish it. Maybe that will lead to other nice changes in my life. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. We'll see.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Productive weekend I'd say.

Friday: A* and I had dinner with my sis and her girl friend. Followed up with drinks at my place where Corhan Seuss and his friend J joined us. J is one of those young boys who has apparently been there done that and knows it all in the process. Sadly though he looks like it too. We had a laugh when most of the group agreed that A* looked much young than he is and J... well let's just say that when I guessed how old he was I, one already knew and two guessed lower than I would have had I not known. We proceeded out to the MB for the Friday night booty contest. Corhan won (It helps when your friends are there!). A* ran into a guy that he had "known" in the past and proceeded to pull out this guy's "beer can". WOW! It was like the petting zoo. Everyone just had to touch it. Never a dull moment.

Saturday: Went to the Royal Oak Dems meeting for the first time in a while. It was good many of the people there. Not quite so much drama as in past meetings but still many run on speeches. After that A* and I headed out to Grand Rapids to visit my nephew. We got a late start and Toys R Us had a long line but it was good times. He is turning three this week so we had to get him something. A* picked out the play-dough and by the end of the evening we were all playing with it. The inner child shines through.

Sunday: was a nice lazy sleep in morning followed by several home improvement projects that I have been putting off. A* is always pretty good about keeping me on task so it was easier with him there. We did get snarled up with a plumbing job that is turning out to be more complicated than originally though - go figure. My father is going to stop by tonight with some extra tools so that we might finish the job. Here's hoping.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Yeah I can't sleep. Funny cause I haven't slept well lately and I am not tired right now. Today at work however...

Anyway tooling around on the web found this. It makes sense to me. What are you?

You are what some may call neutral. You have a good
foot in both light and darkness. You may not
save the world but you certainly aren't ever
going to add to its miseries. You see
everything in the world with your eyes along
with most of the world.

brought to you by Quizilla
More than a month has gone by. My how time flies. It is not as though I haven't had anything to write about but I have had little urge to. That needs to change. For too long now I have drifted. My life has little meaning and yet I am very happy. Weird, huh? It is true.

Today is Mardi Gras. The last day of debauchery before the Lenten season. Guess I should take note of that. It is time to straighten up and fly right. I need to get back into the habit of going to the gym, eating healthy and doing all those other things that I some how have managed to stop doing. Blogging among them.

Things are about to change for the better. 'til later.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Wow so again I’m not so good at the keeping things updated. That will change though. I’ve been far too lackadaisical about too many things of late. I’ve been coasting through life letting a lot of things slide. Well did I ever get a wake up call yesterday. I need to reign it in and bring things back under control. Don’t ask me how I’m going to do that while in México next week, I’ll figure it out. I want to post more too. Even I get a kick out of reading some of them – how things change! Actually there are a few things that are written but not yet published. (It’s the perfectionist in me)

So I am going to Toluca next week. I don’t necessarily want to but hey it’s my job right?!? At least I can rack up some more air-miles and have most of my expenses paid for which really shouldn’t be that much but it does add up.

Going to the Auto Show tonight. I can’t wait to see my car. After working on it for the last two years it is going to be a real treat to see it in public. A* and I will be heading down there. He likes cars almost as much as I do. Perhaps more. I know he loves the convertible, if anything should ever happen to me I know where that car would go.

Ran into Buzz and Joe last night at Pronto!. Which as usual is anything but. Buzz was making eyes with a cute little Czech boy. He was more interested in his ability to get him a green card. (Go figure) Joe wanted to meet a boy at the bar but was too afraid to talk to him. I walked up and did my best for God and country and failed miserably at it. I chalk it up to Joe just wasn’t his type. So at least I went home happy. Sucks to be them, and not in a good way. K-hole was out too. Drinking his peach martini’s and stalking his next victim, I’m sure. I don’t doubt he fared well. He is continually has these little random events, which if it works for him great but seriously isn’t that just too much work? I suppose if you treat it more like a hobby and get off on the hunt why shouldn’t he like it? To each his own…

Monday, January 05, 2004

Happy New Year!

Time to blow through all those resolutions you've made. Actually I didn't make any this year. There is a method to my madness though and I hope that it works. First of all New Year's was spent in Toronto again this year. This is a place were no resolution stands much chance - at least those of the self-improvement/be a better person kind, but that is another story. While I have not committed myself to any one resolution I do intend to work on those things that I want made better. Be it a bad habit or character flaw I want to try everyday to do better than the last to be the person I think I should be. No easy task to be sure but, then if it was easy we would all do it. So for now I will take it in steps, some have already begun others in time this will be a good year.