Yet another fun weekend.
The birthday party Friday night was a blast. My friend Jay was there. I've always thought that he was family and when A* met he got closer to confirming it but still to no avail. There were four of us that got happy drunk and proceed to flirt with each other, Jay being among the four. We got him to lift his shirt and show of his pecs, and apparently his nipples. Wow! Pillow pecs and nipples that don't stop. I was impressed. Now I would love to prove he is family just to claim him as one of ours. Jay has said he would go to any bar with us but every time we make plans he manages to bail on us at the last minute. I remain hopefully A* is less optimistic.
Saturday we headed back out to GR for my nephews birthday. The party was at my sister-in-law's parent's house, which can be rather intimidating as her family is Dutch Reform which isn't exactly the most liberal. Nevertheless A* and I went. Afterwards we headed to downtown GR and tore up the town. It was a nice change of pace and a good bonding experience as well. Lets hope there are more like that.