So what's the deal. I've been trying to sell tickets to the Big Bash - Affirmation's big fund raiser dinner - and have had several people avoiding me as a result of it. Now I know that some people for one reason or another cannot afford or are unwilling to spend money on the $125.00 ticket. I understand that. It is not as though I could always afford these tickets and I know why certain people can't afford to spend the money. That is OK. So when I ask you, "would you like to attend the Big Bash, and sit at my table." Feel free to say, "No, unfortunately at this time I cannot afford the ticket price." If you want to give me a more detailed explaination go ahead although you are under no obligation to do so. Likewise if I am not the only person to have asked you and for whatever reason you have decided to sit at the other individuals table, that too is OK. When it comes right down to it I don't mind that you are sitting at someone elses table, the important thing is that you are attending the dinner. What I do mind is that you don't call me to tell me that or return my voicemail/e-mail when I request (sometimes multiple times) a response either way. It is simple RSVP etiquette. I would rather know one way or the other so that I can focus my energies on other people. That is what it all comes down too. I'm likely to be more irritated with you because it took me a week to get answer out of you then it will be if you say NO.
OK, you got it? Now start doing it!
Thank you and enjoy the dinner.