Monday, June 20, 2005
Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. Rather it makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how wonderful it will be when the right one comes along.
- Javan.
- Javan.
Friday, June 17, 2005
non sequitur
So it comes to this. I’m not surprised actually, perhaps a little disappointed but never the less I’m not surprised. The truth is I should have known long ago. Of course it has taken quite some time for sufficient information to fill in enough of the gaps to see what it was that I was looking at. Looking at not looking for, let’s be clear about that. Obviously the mind has a way of letting us see what we want to even when nothing closely resembling that is actually before our eyes. The mind and the heart.
Fortunately, or not perhaps, time has a way of wearing all things down, and without proper maintenance, proper TLC if you will, even the most elaborate façade will begin to erode, exposing any flaws or inherent weaknesses in the structure. That of course doesn’t mean without a veneer there is less value or less desire, save only that what flaws there are, are now known. It is then to the viewer to make that call for themselves what is beauty and worthy of possession. What may be unwanted by one may be invaluable to another.
Perspective too should be considered. Viewed at one angle rather than another, what is seen could easily be unrecognizable from the next or so unique as to be surprising that it was not previously observed. It is then duty of the observer not the observed to fully explore orientation and position before fully casting judgment. Could one place cast shadow over a flaw that when brought to the light of day, rend it undesirable? Can that flaw be overlooked? Is there a way to repair it or does the flaw add or embellish character?
We admire roses for their sweet fragrant flowers, soft velvet petals, and rich vibrant colors despite their thorns that can prick us, draw blood and inflict pain. It is therefore the requirement of the gardener to learn how to handle the rose, to protect themselves, to respect the rose from a distance or to risk injury for rewards sake.
A dilapidated building with a structure intact can prove a valuable reward to those who through their effort rebuild to its former grandeur. Unforeseen problems however can slowly wear at those who would otherwise seek to repair that which is already itself worn down. Thus requiring a second choice: continue the work at hand and adjust to accommodate the new problems, the hope begin that the total of the repairs will be completed and the finished structure will provide haven for the weary, or focus efforts inward replenishing the worn, salving wounds prepared to begin work anew when better days come. The risk involved and the dilemma presented is a judgment of how much work the new problems present as opposed to the available resources to complete the task at hand, this met with a third judgment as to how many more ‘unforeseen’ problems still exist, once naively unexpected and now cautiously anticipated, the result of which would further diminish an already compromised pool of resources, prolong the completion and exacerbate the exhaustion of the weary. As this cycle progresses an additional judgment enters into the process to either abandon the project at hand, accepting defeat for having too long neglected the original façade allowing too many exposed flaws and having entered into the endeavor with insufficient ability or resources to ever acceptably complete the repairs or to persevere and continue, despite insurmountable odds, knowing full well that the path chosen may well be your end.
Then ask yourself am I the one repairing or the one being repaired?
Fortunately, or not perhaps, time has a way of wearing all things down, and without proper maintenance, proper TLC if you will, even the most elaborate façade will begin to erode, exposing any flaws or inherent weaknesses in the structure. That of course doesn’t mean without a veneer there is less value or less desire, save only that what flaws there are, are now known. It is then to the viewer to make that call for themselves what is beauty and worthy of possession. What may be unwanted by one may be invaluable to another.
Perspective too should be considered. Viewed at one angle rather than another, what is seen could easily be unrecognizable from the next or so unique as to be surprising that it was not previously observed. It is then duty of the observer not the observed to fully explore orientation and position before fully casting judgment. Could one place cast shadow over a flaw that when brought to the light of day, rend it undesirable? Can that flaw be overlooked? Is there a way to repair it or does the flaw add or embellish character?
We admire roses for their sweet fragrant flowers, soft velvet petals, and rich vibrant colors despite their thorns that can prick us, draw blood and inflict pain. It is therefore the requirement of the gardener to learn how to handle the rose, to protect themselves, to respect the rose from a distance or to risk injury for rewards sake.
A dilapidated building with a structure intact can prove a valuable reward to those who through their effort rebuild to its former grandeur. Unforeseen problems however can slowly wear at those who would otherwise seek to repair that which is already itself worn down. Thus requiring a second choice: continue the work at hand and adjust to accommodate the new problems, the hope begin that the total of the repairs will be completed and the finished structure will provide haven for the weary, or focus efforts inward replenishing the worn, salving wounds prepared to begin work anew when better days come. The risk involved and the dilemma presented is a judgment of how much work the new problems present as opposed to the available resources to complete the task at hand, this met with a third judgment as to how many more ‘unforeseen’ problems still exist, once naively unexpected and now cautiously anticipated, the result of which would further diminish an already compromised pool of resources, prolong the completion and exacerbate the exhaustion of the weary. As this cycle progresses an additional judgment enters into the process to either abandon the project at hand, accepting defeat for having too long neglected the original façade allowing too many exposed flaws and having entered into the endeavor with insufficient ability or resources to ever acceptably complete the repairs or to persevere and continue, despite insurmountable odds, knowing full well that the path chosen may well be your end.
Then ask yourself am I the one repairing or the one being repaired?
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Some wounds run so deep that the healing of them hurt almost as much as the original injury; and some wounds run so deep...
they never heal.
they never heal.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"Perhaps everybody has a garden of Eden, I don't know; but they have scarcely seen their garden before they see the flaming sword. Then, perhaps, life only offers the choice of remembering the garden or forgetting it. Either, or: it takes strength to remember, it takes another kind of strength to forget, it takes a hero to do both. People who remember court madness through pain, the pain of the perpetually recurring death of their innocence; people who forget court another kind of madness, the madness of the denial of pain and the hatred of innocence; and the world is mostly divided between madmen who remember and madmen who forget. Heroes are rare." Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin
Monday, June 13, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Love Conquers
I attended the alternate graduation in Howell yesterday. It was almost surreal. Never in my childhood would I have imagined that place to have been as welcoming and positive. Obviously there remains a great deal of the past in it’s current form but the currents of change run swift and strong and even the hardest rock will not win in the end. I was brought to tears a few times as eloquent speeches and honors were bestowed upon the three graduates who chose to stand up to hate.
I am amazed at the coverage that it has received. Obviously the local and regional press were in attendance but the coverage expanded past this to include many larger national papers and even an interview of one of the group on BBC.
Kate and I have discussed writing an article for BTL as well. It would be apropos for to alumni from there who are now out and active members of the LGBT community to do so, we thought.
All in all it think it is a good sign and an indication that though things are not always going our way the direction of change is ultimately in our favor. The future seems better every day.
I am amazed at the coverage that it has received. Obviously the local and regional press were in attendance but the coverage expanded past this to include many larger national papers and even an interview of one of the group on BBC.
Kate and I have discussed writing an article for BTL as well. It would be apropos for to alumni from there who are now out and active members of the LGBT community to do so, we thought.
All in all it think it is a good sign and an indication that though things are not always going our way the direction of change is ultimately in our favor. The future seems better every day.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Radio 1 to Radio 2
G'd Morning Ya'll
I'm taking a quick break from Post-Election Campaign Finance Statements to drop a quick update.
Last Weekend's Motor City Pride was quite successful although the heat was a bit of a challenge. Actually as memory serves last year we had treats of rain and oppressive heat then too. All in all it was a good time. I could have done without a certain co-chair but then I don't think I was the only one. Like most other volunteered activities I'll need some time before I commit to next year.
Yeah I know it isn't much but the statements are overdue and the fines are steep so back to work!
I'm taking a quick break from Post-Election Campaign Finance Statements to drop a quick update.
Last Weekend's Motor City Pride was quite successful although the heat was a bit of a challenge. Actually as memory serves last year we had treats of rain and oppressive heat then too. All in all it was a good time. I could have done without a certain co-chair but then I don't think I was the only one. Like most other volunteered activities I'll need some time before I commit to next year.
Yeah I know it isn't much but the statements are overdue and the fines are steep so back to work!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Angels & Demons
A really interesting book that in some ways seems to balance the Da Vinci Code in its support of conspiracy theory's and the historical Catholic Church. It seems to be very pro-religious in it's arguments and not overly condemning of the 'supposed' actions of the Church.
What I find to be incredibly interesting is the fact/fiction mixing that occurs in both this book and The Da Vinci Code. Keeping in mind that both books are identified as fiction it is surprising the number of books published to attach and dissect the flaws contained within. It's fiction it is allowed to be divergent from fact, in fact it is required to be so. This strikes me as "Me thinks the gentlemen doth protest too much." Which of course only make it more believable not less, but oops it's fiction...
Monday, June 06, 2005
June 11th Support Howell High School Seniors Who Opposed Hate
This was forwarded to me so I thought I would send it on the best way I know how.
From: Joe Summers
Subject: Urgent: June 11th Support Howell High School Seniors Who Opposed Hate
(Please forward to any you think might be interested in supporting this.)
Recently three seniors from Howell High School, Derrick Weber, Shayna Kamilar and Vinnie Mascola, were suspended for the rest of the year -- including participation in any senior activities: graduation, awards ceremonies, concerts etc.-- for protesting anti-gay graffiti. I hope we can do all we can to show our appreciation for them and to protest their suspensions.My understanding of the story is as follows. There is a large rock in front of Howell High School on which students paint messages. A friend of theirs, who is openly gay, was the star of the school play "Pippin." Over a painting advertising the play someone spray painted "God hates fags." Seeing this Derrick, Shayna, Vinnie, and another student in turn spray painted the word "love" over this message. In an action similar to what students did two years ago, when a Howell senior committed suicide, they then went on to spray paint the world "love" on the sidewalks and driveway. The school administration suspended them for ten days while they reviewed their actions. Two to three hundred students protested this action in a peaceful sit-in. Shortly afterwards the administration suspended Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie for the remainder of the year.In their defense the students point out that no one at the time, or later, ever said the graffiti action of two years ago had been wrong. They also point to numerous instances where the administration has overlooked hateful speech and conduct that they have brought to their attention in the past. These also violated the student code, yet nothing was done about them.The administration claims "there are two sides to every story." The only other side to the story that emerged during the students' hearings was that the administration recognized that they were model students (one of them was recently honored as the senior of the year) who were trying to uphold the value of respect for the dignity of all that the student code is meant to protect. . But, the administration insists, "rules are rules" and the students must bear the consequences of breaking them.It would be reasonable to expect the students should be responsible to pay for any costs connected with cleaning up the graffiti. But in addition to this, the administration instead chose to apply the harsh penalties developed to respond to the very disruptive actions of graduating seniors who in the past thought they could get away with anything. That bears no resemblance to this situation. Though many many parents and students have spoken to both the school board and the superintendent to suggest that the unusual circumstances warrant some kind of intervention--their appeals have fallen on deaf ears. Thus Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie are being deprived of their ability to experience the culmination of all their years of hard work participation in choir/musical concerts, award ceremonies, graduation etc.) because they tried to stand up for their friend and boldly and imaginatively to confront hate in their culture. The injustice of this has tainted the whole feel of graduation for their friends and families who have supported them through these many years.There will be an alternative graduation celebration for Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie on Saturday June 11th. Those who want to support them and celebrate their achievements are invited to attend. The hope is that this celebration can in some measure make up for what has been taken from them. The students and their families have requested that this be an occasion of celebration and affirmation of the kind that the students would have enjoyed had they been allowed to participate in graduation.After weeks of trying to get their youth back in school, the families are somewhat overwhelmed trying to plan this celebration so I agreed to do what I could to help facilitate it. If you know speakers or musicians that you think would contribute to the program please let me know and I will check with the students and their families to see whether they think it would fit in with the program. If you have resolutions of support, or letters, for Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie they can be sent to Derrick's mom, Colleen Chrzanowsiki, 2290 Hickory Circle Dr., Howell MI 48855. Similarly, if you would like to contribute funds to go either towards the costs of the celebration, or towards the legal expenses the families are incurring- checks can be made out to Colleen. Lastly, if there are any who wish to donate towards some kind of scholarships for these three, all of whom will be attending college in the fall, please let me know. As this celebration will be a week from today it would be helpful to hear from you as soon as possible.
Below you will see the public announcement the families recently sent out.Joe SummersVicar, The Episcopal Church of the IncarnationAlternative Graduation Celebration for Suspended Students: The parents of Howell High School seniors Derrick Weber, Shayna Kamilar and Vinnie Mascola are proud to be holding a Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of their sons and daughter. The ceremony will be held on Saturday June 11th at 6:00 pm at Page Athletic Field in Howell City Park, 415 N. Barnard Street.We are grateful for the support expressed by members of the community here in Livingston County as well as others in greater southeast MI. We welcome those who wish to join in our celebration. We have scheduled our ceremony specifically to avoid any conflict with the commencement activity at Howell High School so that those wishing to join us may do so without having to choose between the two. We strongly encourage Howell High Seniors to walk with their class as OUR students wish they could.We also request that guests who join us please understand our desire to celebrate our students Graduations with our friends and family without protests or emonstrations. We recognize some of the divided opinions in the community about the issues that lead us to hold this event; however we respectfully ask that those strong opinions be set aside for this occasion so that our students and their families may build the same memories that accompany this once-in-a-lifetime milestone for every graduate.
I hope to see you there.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
The Mirror Project

I just received confirmation of my second posting on The Mirror Project. This one was a complete accident. It probably could have been multiple submissions the way it came out.
Take a look at my first submission from back in March.
Yes, yes, yes; I know I haven’t written much lately. I haven’t felt the drive to do so. Some days I am just to busy and other days I just don’t care to. It has felt as though there wasn’t much to share but in retrospect there is actually quite a bit. Here are some of the highlights in no particular order.
Balthazar and son of Archibald are gone.
A cute twenty something guy helped move my gas meter, the other guys called him “two beers”
I sold the Sebring
My sister is moving to San Francisco, she wanted me to adopt one of her cats that she fears won’t make the trip, I had to say no on account of A*
I am on the board for another three year term
My sister-in-law filed for divorce from the twin
The floor upstairs is complete
My latest camera is kaput
Reflections of current events, the weather and the Memorial Holiday aside life is moving along. I will probably be traveling toward the end of this month or the beginning of next. I hope to let you know more, later.
I don’t want to stop writing, so bare with me.
Until next time, as always – Know that you’re loved,
Balthazar and son of Archibald are gone.
A cute twenty something guy helped move my gas meter, the other guys called him “two beers”
I sold the Sebring
My sister is moving to San Francisco, she wanted me to adopt one of her cats that she fears won’t make the trip, I had to say no on account of A*
I am on the board for another three year term
My sister-in-law filed for divorce from the twin
The floor upstairs is complete
My latest camera is kaput
Reflections of current events, the weather and the Memorial Holiday aside life is moving along. I will probably be traveling toward the end of this month or the beginning of next. I hope to let you know more, later.
I don’t want to stop writing, so bare with me.
Until next time, as always – Know that you’re loved,
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Show your support to Ford
As some of you know the American Family Association has organized a boycott of Ford Motor Company. This boycott is in response to Ford's support of their LGBT employees, consumers, and community. Ford's support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign is specifically called out in the boycott website and the news coverage today.
Please take a moment to read today's article in the Detroit Free Press , and to review the AFA website.
Affirmations is requesting that each of you send along an e-mail to the Ford Motor Company Fund - their contact information is located at the following website: Please share with them how much you appreciate their support of the LGBT community and their LGBT employees. Specifically thanking them for their support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign would be beneficial as well, since their contribution is specifically listed as one of the reasons for the boycott.
Also, if you would like your responses to also go to the press so they have the LGBT's perspective on things please copy your message to:
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!
Michael J. Mirto
Development Director
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
PH:248.398.7105 x 17 FAX:248.541.1943
Everyday People. Building Community
Please take a moment to read today's article in the Detroit Free Press , and to review the AFA website.
Affirmations is requesting that each of you send along an e-mail to the Ford Motor Company Fund - their contact information is located at the following website: Please share with them how much you appreciate their support of the LGBT community and their LGBT employees. Specifically thanking them for their support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign would be beneficial as well, since their contribution is specifically listed as one of the reasons for the boycott.
Also, if you would like your responses to also go to the press so they have the LGBT's perspective on things please copy your message to:
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!
Michael J. Mirto
Development Director
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
PH:248.398.7105 x 17 FAX:248.541.1943
Everyday People. Building Community
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