Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Show your support to Ford

As some of you know the American Family Association has organized a boycott of Ford Motor Company. This boycott is in response to Ford's support of their LGBT employees, consumers, and community. Ford's support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign is specifically called out in the boycott website and the news coverage today.

Please take a moment to read today's article in the Detroit Free Press , and to review the AFA website.

Affirmations is requesting that each of you send along an e-mail to the Ford Motor Company Fund - their contact information is located at the following website: Please share with them how much you appreciate their support of the LGBT community and their LGBT employees. Specifically thanking them for their support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign would be beneficial as well, since their contribution is specifically listed as one of the reasons for the boycott.

Also, if you would like your responses to also go to the press so they have the LGBT's perspective on things please copy your message to:

Thanks so much for your time and consideration!

Michael J. Mirto
Development Director

Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
PH:248.398.7105 x 17 FAX:248.541.1943
Everyday People. Building Community

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