Friday, December 30, 2005
No pressure...
Anyway I don't know that I will be writing differently but then again it may serve as an incentive to do so. We'll see.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Moment of what?

Well if you were looking for Zen don't look to me. I couldn't take much more than 10 minutes at Pronto tonight before I had my fill. Never mind there were plenty of people there that couldn't be bothered with me the were enough friends there to help offset anything trivial in that arena I simply don't care for the crowd. I'm not there to hook up and or meet someone. I don't know that I am ready for that anyway but I really don't expect that it will happen at a meat market bar. I was there to hang out with friends plain and simple, but the crowds weren't conducive to that. Maybe some day just not now.
Of course that begs the question that if I cannot handle P's on a regular night will I be in any position to cope with NYE. If I do go out it will be crowds of a level far greater. It is of course something that I need to think through and get my head around and also know that I can leave whenever I choose. Nevertheless I'm glad I have options and time still to decide.
Dinner with the gang was nice. Here's hoping there will be more casual gatherings, which let's face it are more my speed anyway.
Still life
Of course immediately a couple of things come to mind.
First and foremost is another

The second is more of the same. Yoga. Relaxation.

'til next time
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Making a list

Baron Baptiste is a great writer as well as yoga guru. His book is definitely not something a begin should buy and then think they can do some of the positions in without first reading the book, understanding his wisdom and the long practice. If you are luck enough to have an instructor that knows can help guide your practice I highly recommend that you stick with them and if you feel the need to expand your practice through study "Journey Into Power" is a strong book to use.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Good intentions...

I digress...
"Suggest, Ask, Force."
Having already tried several forms of

After much swearing and a couple of trips to the Home Depot I hope to have this one task off my list.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Memoirs of a Geisha
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
I hope that everyone was able to relax and enjoy even a moment of peace today. Christmas has always been about family to me and I am glad that most of my family was home to celebrate the day together. My sis of course could not but we were able to talk for a while and her mother-in-sorta law made the trek out to San Francisco so she had some degree of family.
I am looking forward to the new year and a chance toward new starts. I have been slowly build to getting back into me. Doing things for me and get me back on track. If it means being selfish to an extent then so be it. I cannot yet trust my judgment to allow myself to begin dating again. I am still to wounded from the past year and do not want to make some of the same mistakes I’ve made.
As usual I want to try and contribute on a more regular basis to this blog. We’ll see if I keep it up or not. I may drop this all together too. If nothing I do need to learn to let go maybe here would be a good start. Time will tell.
Until next time, to all a good night.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Decompression Blog

Back from my all too brief trip to San Francisco. It was nice to get away and spend time with C&C. I was their first "real" visitor to their new place out there. Their roommate was back in St. Louis for the weekend so I even had a bed to sleep in.
Saturday we hung out in the Castro. My sis works at a laundry mat/coffee shop called Sit n' Spin which has free wi-fi so it's actually a fun place to hang-out while waiting for the spin cycle to finish. Of course you could just as easily cross the street to any one of the local bars but... Unfortunately there was a glitch on the camera I was using and all of my photos from that day in the Castro are gone. So be it
Saturday night we went bar hopping starting in North Beach (Little Italy) and working our way back to the Castro. Some of the places the girls had not yet been to, others where their favorites.
"The Bar" was a pretty cool place, we got there perhaps a bit early as the there were few boys there and the ones that were well... let's just say I was more interested in the interior decorating.

"Moby Dick" is a small little place that really would have fit in almost anywhere, with a good mix of men and women but again there wasn't much to really go crazy over, there were some handsome older guys there all the same though it was like an everyday bar. To tell the truth I was enjoying my time with the girls so it wasn't too much of a disappointment at all that the distractions were few and far between.
We took the 33, or was it the 37 back to Haight-Asbury past Twin Peaks - "My dog barks some" - and ended the evening at Traxx. Traxx is their local gay watering hole just a couple of blocks from their place. Like many of the other bars in the area it was small, but not overly crowded. I am guessing that since it was more of a bar than a club explains the majority of why there wasn't a larger gay boi contingent.
Shopping Downtown

Japanese Tea Garden
One of the places I wanted to see was the Tea Garden. The garden itself is over one hundred years old so I could never begin to hope to have such a manicured tranquil spot. I got some

In sum
All in all I had a great trip. It was completely spur of the moment and with a $200 airfare I couldn't pass it up. I was glad to spend time with my sister and her girlfriend. I know they are both a bit homesick and will not be making it back for the holidays so it was a special bonus that I did not start my new job this week. Overall my impression of San Francisco is less the gay Meccah it is made out to be and more of a progressively alternative metropolis with it's enclave of gays as any large city might have. I didn't realy go for the men which is perhaps a good thing as most seemed to be older and old school(think of some of the past stereotypes.) I saw many of the things that I set out to, it would have only been better if I had been able to bring someone with me. Maybe someday...
We now return to our regularly scheduled Blog
I am feeling refreshed and have lots of thoughts so just as soon as I can I will try to give ya'll the skinny on my trip and all dat.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Please stand by...
'til then I'll keep trying.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Life thru Dreams
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Brokeback Mountain

There is a sneak preview of Brokeback Mountain next Monday that I will be going to; and for free! You gotta love that.
Membership has it's privileges.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Run, don't walk
Sure it is hopelessly pessimistic and I am doing quite a bit to change my destiny but nevertheless I cannot help but feel that the ship is sinking, and well you ain't seen nothing yet.
I am trying to find a better job, albeit in the same market. I am planning on applying for grad school in the spring, though I know not how I will pay for it. I am trying to cut my current expenses and pay down my debts as aggressively as possible. There are other measures I could take but will for now continue to hope that I can eke this out.
I don't see it getting much better. After the dust settles which will not be for another 2 plus years the job landscape here in Michigan will be nothing like is was or even is. I have no doubt that shortly thereafter things will begin to get shaky for other reasons, reason that we now have control over but are wasting our last chance to remedy. Foreign policy, oil dependence, health care are just the obvious example of things that I fully expect to continue to plague us for years to come. Maybe becoming a pool boy isn't such a bad idea after all. Or am I too old to join the Peace Corps?
My advice to those not yet graduated from college. Stay as far away from automotive as humanly possible. Plan on moving out of Michigan. Expect to have greater hardships than your parents ever faced.
My advice to those that do not plan on going to college. Go.
It will be years before the market figures itself out and the new economic engine is fully up and running. Let's just hope that those of us in the thick of it can make it to the other side.
Friday, November 04, 2005
It's the journey stupid
Monday, October 31, 2005
Second verse, same as the...
I was freaking out most of the day trying to figure out how to handle a second interview with, yes yet one more company especially given the geographical restrictions but I managed to change it to Wednesday at 5. Not an ideal time to be running across town but if it all works out we'll see.
Stay tuned
Sunday, October 30, 2005
World Record My Butt

Part of the reason for the pumpkin carving was to enter it into a contest in town where they were trying to set a new World's Record. They needed more than 26,000 pumpkins to make a crack at it. Our pumpkin when entered at 7:20PM, little more than 30 minutes before the cut-off point, was number 1034. Needless to say they had a long way to go if they were to make a dent in the remaining time. Sure they had a lot more people down town on a Saturday than normal but I will venture to guess that few families with 3 year olds spent any appreciable time in any of the stores shopping - my presumed ulterior motive for such an event. Anyway, I had fun and there were some interesting entries so it twain't all that bad.
Maybe next year ...
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Legend of Sleepy Howell
Out ye dreams
I do not know if I am not seeing some flaw that he saw. I do not know if he is too strong willed to bring himself to try again. I used to think that things would be better and easier for the both of use together rather than alone. (I suppose I still do) However I accept that I need to do it on my own. I do not want to let go but will for now. I will always love him but I cannot continue to hurt for something that I alone cannot fix. I need to focus my energies on me and my life. To all of you my love and prayers. I hope everyone can find that thing in life that gives meaning and happiness.
Until then,
Know that you're loved,
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
A father's love
A good episode...
Things To Do
The ground breaking for Affirmations is this afternoon. It don't really want to go but it will be good for me to do something social, more than going to the gym or work. It is a historic time in our communities history and being able to be a part of that doesn't come along every day. The Governor will be there so it has some broader importance.
Tomorrow I have yet another of many interviews. As has been the case I am nervous but calm. I want to do well but I recognize that I do still have a job for the time being so if I do not get it, so be it. Another though has entered my mind of late, that how do I know the company I might work for will be any better than the one I am with? It's negative and I think it comes from the once bitten, twice shy problem plaguing the automotive industry right now. I have to remind myself that the certainty of a job for life is gone and that what I am doing is the right thing.
I hope that I am able to get a better, more stable position soon. I need to start checking some of my "Things To Do:" off my list. Nothing has been easy of late so getting some of these things behind me will allow me to focus on the rest of the list with more focus. Here's hoping.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Just a simple dinner
I am supposed to be meeting A* for dinner tonight. It will be the first time since our split that we have spent any appreciable amount of time together and only the third time I have seen him. The intent of the dinner is to talk. About what in specific I do not know. I am unsure if he is merely placating me because he knows that I miss him or if his intent is genuine. Even then I do not know what he wants to talk about or what his aims are. Will he confess his faults and proclaim his desire for reconciliation or will it be to simply reach final closure.
Reading through some of our communications toward the end we both professed our love for the other and asked the other for patience in cooping with the present turbulence. Was it too much? Did we both loose hope in the other? If we had held on would things have made a turn for the better?
What am I to do? Should I make plain my desire to forgive and try again? I know that I too need forgiveness and hope that it can be had. Do I want to be with him again? Will I be able to forget? Can I trust? I know in my heart I can. I tend to give forgiveness and trust easily, I think because I want it in return. I know also that I tend to live my life as an open book so I have little to hide, and therefore little reason – at least in my minds eye – to not be trusted. I know that it can sometime burn me that I allow others in so easily, the hope is that the benefits far out weight the risks.
Will we resolve things for the better or worse tonight? What is better or worse? When will I know?
Know that you’re loved,
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of all of those things and still be calm in your heart.” Unknown
Thursday, October 20, 2005
For the time being I am OK. Sure things could be better but they could be worse too. I am lucky to have the many things in my life and the problems that I face would surely be blessings to others. So for the moment I’m just going to smile and see where it takes me.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I had a dream
I don't quite know what to make of the dream. I know that I have thought a bit about where A* lives now and if he is with anyone. Not that it should be any of my concern if he is or not but nevertheless I wonder. I think how much easier it could be with someone in my life and how in so many ways he fit that. Albeit unwilling to play his part from times and I guess that is what I need to resolve. I seem to have an idealized view of who he and we were.
I miss the simple comfort he provided me, the person to cuddle up to at night, the calming force when things seemed rough. In the ways that a long term partner, a husband if you will, he would have been the ideal. It is in the short term that we did not mesh, and I struggle to understand why. I am not the type of person to simply say well it doesn't work, let's throw it away and find a new one. No, I need to see what I can do to fix it. I'm an engineer. I cannot give up and I think that is what I perhaps need to do.
So many things are hard for me right now. I do not know if I am going to have a job in a month. I do not know if I will be able to pay some of my bills even with the job I have. I have other struggles that I will have to continue to work to overcome. I could drop my desire to be with A* or anyone else right now and focus my energies on improving myself and my situation however I seem to feel that would we return to the life we were sharing many of those other struggles would subside. Not go away mind you but be made less.
I seem to be stuck in this limbo where I almost reach the acceptance that we will not be together and then revert to the feeling that I have returned to so many times before. That all of my instincts tell me he is the one. Time will tell who wins, though I think we all know where the odds fall.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Room for Rent!

I am asking $500 utilities included. Which when you think about the cost of heating in the coming months will be a real bargain.
Anyway here are some of the pics that I will be posting. (Actually I am using this space to reference for Craig's List)

Saturday, October 08, 2005
Delphi in bankruptcy - 10/09/05
Of course nothing should be too terribly different on Monday.
And what does this mean for me? Well to guess I would say that I will probably have to be twice as diligent about looking for something else. If I had to predict I would say that my department will not survive the next 12 months. I'm setting a target of being gone by the end of the year. This is one that I MUST meet.
A Picture Share!
Negative Much?
This is the first of my attempts to post a picture directly from my cell. If I have the opportunity to snap anything of intrest I will be sure to add it. Of course the gym has its rules and technically so does work but who knows what I may cum across.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Harry Potter Part VI

Not a bad little book, if I do say so myself. I can definitely see why there is such an appeal to the series. Of course it would have been nice to have started from the beginning but then I have never been one for convention. Anyway, it provided me a pleasant diversion from the real world for a time and though I fear reading out of order may have spoiled the previous books, particularlly those between the movies and here I liked it. I will in all likely hood go back toread the rest, as soon as I have the money to do it that is.
If you've not read the book yourself as they say "If you have the means, I highly recommend it."
ABC News: Delphi set to file for Ch. 11-source
More later.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Beware Internet Scams!!!
Here is a quick update on an ongoing drama that seemed like a good thing. But like they say, “If it’s seems to good to be true, it probably is.”
I placed an add on Craig’s List to rent a room out of my house and had what sounded like an ideal roommate. “She” was purported from the Netherlands and working in the UK. We communicated a little via e-mail and seemed like a decent person. She indicated that she would be sending me the deposit for the room and additional for moving expense. Now right there I should have had all kinds of bells and whistles going of but hey, I’m a trusting kind of guy. When the deposit did arrive they were in the form of Money Orders from Wal*Mart, which further added to the puzzle because I did not expect 1.) Money orders and 2.) Wal*Mart in the UK?!?. Hey stranger things have happened, so I went with it. The next part is where I started to feel a bit funny about the whole thing but, again I went with it because if it worked out that this was just a naïve girl that thought this was the best way to do something then so be it. If not well, trust but verify. “She” – I use that because I don’t know anymore – wanted me to send on the money for her moving expenses to some guy back in the UK. This is, like I’ve said, where I really started to feel a touch uneasy. Luckily, despite her requests to expedite the money via Western Union, I did nothing or the sort and rather waited until the hold had cleared from the bank. THIS IS WERE YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION!!! Just because the hold clears doesn’t mean the money is really there, and when it turns out the money orders are counterfeit the bank will gladly withdrawal the money right back out of your account. Luckily for me I did not send the money the very instant it cleared hold, although I almost did, and I am only out time and potential revenue and not any real money. Unfortunately, I really could have used the added income but then I guess I just need to be more stringent about my spending for a bit longer.
Anyway, I am sure it is a fake address or something but should anyone want to pay one Mr. James Bosse, 5 Beaufort Street, London, England W6 3EA a visit please send him (or her) my regards. The local police were not really interested because I did not loose any money, but I did look into the FTC to try to add to the list of charges should this person ever get caught. Not a likely thing but again just in case.
So I guess that means I will have to redo my ad and be a touch more diligent when accepting offers. Look for more as I am sure the whole thing will be a bit of an adventure.
‘til then
Know that you’re loved,
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of all of those things and still be calm in your heart.” Unknown
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Men's Private Night
Please forward to the men in your life...
What: Men's Private Night
While there, receive 15% off all purchases and support Affirmations - 5% of all proceeds will be donated back to Center.
Showcasing: Designers Paul Smith, D&G, Thomas Pink Shop, Alexander Saville, Armani, Hugo Boss, LaCoste and Polo.Skin care products from Shiseido, Calrins, Clinique and Aramis.
Come anytime between 5-8pm and dress as you are - be comfortable. Marshall Fields will have food and beverages, music and flowers.
Affirmations is thrilled that Marshall Field's is giving us this opportunity and providing a fun evening. We thank Marshall Fields for this opportunity and also for their recent donation of $3,000 toward our programs and services.
See you on the 7th.
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile Rd
Contact: Kathleen LaTosch, Special Events / Marketing Director248-398-7105 ext. 15
Saturday, August 20, 2005
This too shall pass
I love him. I truly do, and I know that I always will. I also know that it takes more than my own love to hold something together and despite all my wanting and wishing to the contrary we have parted our ways and I must accept that. Hopefully putting that into writing will help.
I do not know what the future holds and remain open to the chance of happiness someday.
Until then...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
please fasten your seat belts
We just received notification that the next few weeks may be rather turbulent, for you safety we please ask that you sit back with your seat belts securely fastened about you.
May be?!? If the next few may be what the ^%$#@$! Have the last few been? Anyway, just checking in to say that yes things are pretty rough right now and I don’t know if I’ll make the flight unscathed.
More later
Friday, July 29, 2005
I should be back a week from tomorrow with any luck in one piece.
Wish me luck, eh!
Friday, July 22, 2005
We the Blue People
Dear Red States,
We're ticked off at the way you've treated California, and we've decided we're leaving.
We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us.
In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast.
We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma, and all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and the best beaches.
We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Wal-Mart and Enron.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Bob Jones University.
We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Mississippi.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You get to make the Red States pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single pregnant moms.
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners), 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high-tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.
With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson, and the University of Georgia.
We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11, and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals than we lefties.
By the way, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
We are in uncharted territory here folks and yes it is scary but there is a reward out there somewhere I just hope that I find what I'm looking for.
Until then, as always...
Know that you are loved,
Good Question
Act II, Scene 3
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.-- Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.
William Shakespeare
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
This I Believe... me too!
An American Creed
I believe in life. I believe in treasuring it as a mystery that will never be fully understood, as a sanctity that should never be destroyed, as an invitation to experience now what can only be remembered tomorrow. I believe in its indivisibility, in the intimate connection between the newest bud of spring and the flicker in the eye of a patient near death, between the athlete in his prime and the quadriplegic vet, between the fetus in the womb and the mother who bears another life in her own body.
I believe in liberty. I believe that within every soul lies the capacity to reach for its own good, that within every physical body there endures an unalienable right to be free from coercion. I believe in a system of government that places that liberty at the center of its concerns, that enforces the law solely to protect that freedom, that sides with the individual against the claims of family and tribe and church and nation, that sees innocence before guilt and dignity before stigma. I believe in the right to own property, to maintain it against the benign suffocation of a government that would tax more and more of it away. I believe in freedom of speech and of contract, the right to offend and blaspheme, as well as the right to convert and bear witness. I believe that these freedoms are connected -- the freedom of the fundamentalist and the atheist, the female and the male, the black and the Asian, the gay and the straight.
I believe in the pursuit of happiness. Not its attainment, nor its final definition, but its pursuit. I believe in the journey, not the arrival; in conversation, not monologues; in multiple questions rather than any single answer. I believe in the struggle to remake ourselves and challenge each other in the spirit of eternal forgiveness, in the awareness that none of us knows for sure what happiness truly is, but each of us knows the imperative to keep searching. I believe in the possibility of surprising joy, of serenity through pain, of homecoming through exile.
And I believe in a country that enshrines each of these three things, a country that promises nothing but the promise of being more fully human, and never guarantees its success. In that constant failure to arrive -- implied at the very beginning -- lies the possibility of a permanently fresh start, an old newness, a way of revitalizing ourselves and our civilization in ways few foresaw and one day many will forget. But the point is now. And the place is America.
July 4, 2005, NPR. copyright © 2000, 2005 Andrew Sullivan
Cathartic enough for you
Wow reading the last few blogs speaks volumes. Enough of the gloomy Gus syndrome OK!?!
So obviously I need to work on relationship issues. I also need to focus on me. It can be conflicting because the relationship is beyond the person, at the same time however, I know that my relationship, for all its short comings, is important to me. Thus it is important to have a relationship. It is clearly not a healthy relationship but what ever is, and besides just because someone isn’t healthy doesn’t mean we kill them does it? Why then should it be different with a relationship?
I’ve been to the gym more times in the last few weeks than the previous six months. I’ve also felt better, and ironically worse, in the last few weeks. More over I have just felt. This is a good thing. Any way here’s to the journey!
Monday, June 20, 2005
- Javan.
Friday, June 17, 2005
non sequitur
Fortunately, or not perhaps, time has a way of wearing all things down, and without proper maintenance, proper TLC if you will, even the most elaborate façade will begin to erode, exposing any flaws or inherent weaknesses in the structure. That of course doesn’t mean without a veneer there is less value or less desire, save only that what flaws there are, are now known. It is then to the viewer to make that call for themselves what is beauty and worthy of possession. What may be unwanted by one may be invaluable to another.
Perspective too should be considered. Viewed at one angle rather than another, what is seen could easily be unrecognizable from the next or so unique as to be surprising that it was not previously observed. It is then duty of the observer not the observed to fully explore orientation and position before fully casting judgment. Could one place cast shadow over a flaw that when brought to the light of day, rend it undesirable? Can that flaw be overlooked? Is there a way to repair it or does the flaw add or embellish character?
We admire roses for their sweet fragrant flowers, soft velvet petals, and rich vibrant colors despite their thorns that can prick us, draw blood and inflict pain. It is therefore the requirement of the gardener to learn how to handle the rose, to protect themselves, to respect the rose from a distance or to risk injury for rewards sake.
A dilapidated building with a structure intact can prove a valuable reward to those who through their effort rebuild to its former grandeur. Unforeseen problems however can slowly wear at those who would otherwise seek to repair that which is already itself worn down. Thus requiring a second choice: continue the work at hand and adjust to accommodate the new problems, the hope begin that the total of the repairs will be completed and the finished structure will provide haven for the weary, or focus efforts inward replenishing the worn, salving wounds prepared to begin work anew when better days come. The risk involved and the dilemma presented is a judgment of how much work the new problems present as opposed to the available resources to complete the task at hand, this met with a third judgment as to how many more ‘unforeseen’ problems still exist, once naively unexpected and now cautiously anticipated, the result of which would further diminish an already compromised pool of resources, prolong the completion and exacerbate the exhaustion of the weary. As this cycle progresses an additional judgment enters into the process to either abandon the project at hand, accepting defeat for having too long neglected the original façade allowing too many exposed flaws and having entered into the endeavor with insufficient ability or resources to ever acceptably complete the repairs or to persevere and continue, despite insurmountable odds, knowing full well that the path chosen may well be your end.
Then ask yourself am I the one repairing or the one being repaired?
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
they never heal.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
"Perhaps everybody has a garden of Eden, I don't know; but they have scarcely seen their garden before they see the flaming sword. Then, perhaps, life only offers the choice of remembering the garden or forgetting it. Either, or: it takes strength to remember, it takes another kind of strength to forget, it takes a hero to do both. People who remember court madness through pain, the pain of the perpetually recurring death of their innocence; people who forget court another kind of madness, the madness of the denial of pain and the hatred of innocence; and the world is mostly divided between madmen who remember and madmen who forget. Heroes are rare." Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin
Monday, June 13, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Love Conquers
I am amazed at the coverage that it has received. Obviously the local and regional press were in attendance but the coverage expanded past this to include many larger national papers and even an interview of one of the group on BBC.
Kate and I have discussed writing an article for BTL as well. It would be apropos for to alumni from there who are now out and active members of the LGBT community to do so, we thought.
All in all it think it is a good sign and an indication that though things are not always going our way the direction of change is ultimately in our favor. The future seems better every day.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Radio 1 to Radio 2
I'm taking a quick break from Post-Election Campaign Finance Statements to drop a quick update.
Last Weekend's Motor City Pride was quite successful although the heat was a bit of a challenge. Actually as memory serves last year we had treats of rain and oppressive heat then too. All in all it was a good time. I could have done without a certain co-chair but then I don't think I was the only one. Like most other volunteered activities I'll need some time before I commit to next year.
Yeah I know it isn't much but the statements are overdue and the fines are steep so back to work!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Angels & Demons
Monday, June 06, 2005
June 11th Support Howell High School Seniors Who Opposed Hate
From: Joe Summers
Subject: Urgent: June 11th Support Howell High School Seniors Who Opposed Hate
(Please forward to any you think might be interested in supporting this.)
Recently three seniors from Howell High School, Derrick Weber, Shayna Kamilar and Vinnie Mascola, were suspended for the rest of the year -- including participation in any senior activities: graduation, awards ceremonies, concerts etc.-- for protesting anti-gay graffiti. I hope we can do all we can to show our appreciation for them and to protest their suspensions.My understanding of the story is as follows. There is a large rock in front of Howell High School on which students paint messages. A friend of theirs, who is openly gay, was the star of the school play "Pippin." Over a painting advertising the play someone spray painted "God hates fags." Seeing this Derrick, Shayna, Vinnie, and another student in turn spray painted the word "love" over this message. In an action similar to what students did two years ago, when a Howell senior committed suicide, they then went on to spray paint the world "love" on the sidewalks and driveway. The school administration suspended them for ten days while they reviewed their actions. Two to three hundred students protested this action in a peaceful sit-in. Shortly afterwards the administration suspended Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie for the remainder of the year.In their defense the students point out that no one at the time, or later, ever said the graffiti action of two years ago had been wrong. They also point to numerous instances where the administration has overlooked hateful speech and conduct that they have brought to their attention in the past. These also violated the student code, yet nothing was done about them.The administration claims "there are two sides to every story." The only other side to the story that emerged during the students' hearings was that the administration recognized that they were model students (one of them was recently honored as the senior of the year) who were trying to uphold the value of respect for the dignity of all that the student code is meant to protect. . But, the administration insists, "rules are rules" and the students must bear the consequences of breaking them.It would be reasonable to expect the students should be responsible to pay for any costs connected with cleaning up the graffiti. But in addition to this, the administration instead chose to apply the harsh penalties developed to respond to the very disruptive actions of graduating seniors who in the past thought they could get away with anything. That bears no resemblance to this situation. Though many many parents and students have spoken to both the school board and the superintendent to suggest that the unusual circumstances warrant some kind of intervention--their appeals have fallen on deaf ears. Thus Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie are being deprived of their ability to experience the culmination of all their years of hard work participation in choir/musical concerts, award ceremonies, graduation etc.) because they tried to stand up for their friend and boldly and imaginatively to confront hate in their culture. The injustice of this has tainted the whole feel of graduation for their friends and families who have supported them through these many years.There will be an alternative graduation celebration for Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie on Saturday June 11th. Those who want to support them and celebrate their achievements are invited to attend. The hope is that this celebration can in some measure make up for what has been taken from them. The students and their families have requested that this be an occasion of celebration and affirmation of the kind that the students would have enjoyed had they been allowed to participate in graduation.After weeks of trying to get their youth back in school, the families are somewhat overwhelmed trying to plan this celebration so I agreed to do what I could to help facilitate it. If you know speakers or musicians that you think would contribute to the program please let me know and I will check with the students and their families to see whether they think it would fit in with the program. If you have resolutions of support, or letters, for Derrick, Shayna, and Vinnie they can be sent to Derrick's mom, Colleen Chrzanowsiki, 2290 Hickory Circle Dr., Howell MI 48855. Similarly, if you would like to contribute funds to go either towards the costs of the celebration, or towards the legal expenses the families are incurring- checks can be made out to Colleen. Lastly, if there are any who wish to donate towards some kind of scholarships for these three, all of whom will be attending college in the fall, please let me know. As this celebration will be a week from today it would be helpful to hear from you as soon as possible.
Below you will see the public announcement the families recently sent out.Joe SummersVicar, The Episcopal Church of the IncarnationAlternative Graduation Celebration for Suspended Students: The parents of Howell High School seniors Derrick Weber, Shayna Kamilar and Vinnie Mascola are proud to be holding a Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of their sons and daughter. The ceremony will be held on Saturday June 11th at 6:00 pm at Page Athletic Field in Howell City Park, 415 N. Barnard Street.We are grateful for the support expressed by members of the community here in Livingston County as well as others in greater southeast MI. We welcome those who wish to join in our celebration. We have scheduled our ceremony specifically to avoid any conflict with the commencement activity at Howell High School so that those wishing to join us may do so without having to choose between the two. We strongly encourage Howell High Seniors to walk with their class as OUR students wish they could.We also request that guests who join us please understand our desire to celebrate our students Graduations with our friends and family without protests or emonstrations. We recognize some of the divided opinions in the community about the issues that lead us to hold this event; however we respectfully ask that those strong opinions be set aside for this occasion so that our students and their families may build the same memories that accompany this once-in-a-lifetime milestone for every graduate.
I hope to see you there.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
The Mirror Project

I just received confirmation of my second posting on The Mirror Project. This one was a complete accident. It probably could have been multiple submissions the way it came out.
Take a look at my first submission from back in March.
Balthazar and son of Archibald are gone.
A cute twenty something guy helped move my gas meter, the other guys called him “two beers”
I sold the Sebring
My sister is moving to San Francisco, she wanted me to adopt one of her cats that she fears won’t make the trip, I had to say no on account of A*
I am on the board for another three year term
My sister-in-law filed for divorce from the twin
The floor upstairs is complete
My latest camera is kaput
Reflections of current events, the weather and the Memorial Holiday aside life is moving along. I will probably be traveling toward the end of this month or the beginning of next. I hope to let you know more, later.
I don’t want to stop writing, so bare with me.
Until next time, as always – Know that you’re loved,
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Show your support to Ford
Please take a moment to read today's article in the Detroit Free Press , and to review the AFA website.
Affirmations is requesting that each of you send along an e-mail to the Ford Motor Company Fund - their contact information is located at the following website: Please share with them how much you appreciate their support of the LGBT community and their LGBT employees. Specifically thanking them for their support of Affirmations' Open the Doors Capital and Endowment Campaign would be beneficial as well, since their contribution is specifically listed as one of the reasons for the boycott.
Also, if you would like your responses to also go to the press so they have the LGBT's perspective on things please copy your message to:
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!
Michael J. Mirto
Development Director
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
PH:248.398.7105 x 17 FAX:248.541.1943
Everyday People. Building Community
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Do you want to buy a car?!?
I’ve thrown in the towel. Due to my current financial situation I can no longer afford the luxury of my second car.
It is a 2002 Chrysler Sebring Convertible Limited; Deep Sapphire Blue Pearlcoat/Dark Blue Cloth Top w/ Royal Blue/Cream Interior. The car is in excellent condition only one little scratch on the right corner of the rear fascia. Only 16,500 miles and it was wintered in the garage. I’ll throw in the custom fit Kimberly-Clark NOAH car cover (seeing as how I won’t have any use for it.) The price is fairly firm at $15,500 although you will note the ad does read OBO. While I do need to rid myself of the car I’m in no hurry to do so and car afford to wait out another month or two if need be.
Anyway, check it out and if you’re interested please feel free to contact me.
Until next time… know that you’re loved,
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Affirmations Program Director Passes The Torch
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center
195 West Nine Mile, Ferndale, MI 48220
Phone: 248.398.7105 Fax: 248.541.1943
Email: Web:
Date: May 16, 2005
Special Events / Marketing Director
248-398-7105 ext. 15
FERNDALE, Mich. – After close to five years of service to Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community, Program Director Michael Larson recently announced that it’s time to pass the torch to another energetic person and move on. Having accomplished what he set out to do at Affirmations, he says “I feel like I did accomplish those things and now it’s time to pass the torch.”
Initially hired in October of 2000 to run the Youth Services Program, he quickly moved into the role of Program Director where he was responsible for supervising a staff of three, organizing activities and programs for the 200 people who came to the Center each week, and getting the art gallery back on its feet. Five years later, the staff of three has grown to ten and the 200 people coming to the Center each week has grown to over 600. Moreover, he now heads a flourishing art gallery that has seen more than 30 artists exhibit their work, and has been featured on Detroit’s National Public Radio, WDET.
Under his direction the Center has added four new programs areas – health services, older adult services, family activities and community outreach – more than tripling participation at Affirmations. The youth program has expanded service hours from four a week in 2000 to 20 hours a week in 2005. YEP nights have grown so successfully, that attendance is often at its maximum capacity.
What will he miss the most? In his signature quiet and thoughtful way, he said, “If I had to name three things, I’d have to say that I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the youth program. The youth are so dynamic and inspiring; it’s been rewarding to be able to work so closely with that program. Coming OUT Over Coffee and the Pittmann-Puckett Art Gallery would definitely be on my list too.” But Larson doesn’t expect to miss Affirmations too much – he will continue serving on two of the organization’s planning committees to help move into the new building.
“But I will certainly miss him,” said Leslie Thompson, Executive Director of Affirmations. “Michael came to Affirmations during a very turbulent time and together we smoothed out the edges and got the organization back on track. His wisdom and insight will be greatly missed.”
Larson plans to stay on at Affirmations while the organization conducts a national search for a new program director and then assist in the training of that person. “One of my hopes is that the community recognizes the importance of the Center and embraces the person who comes after me,” said Larson. When asked what his plans are after leaving Affirmations, with a relaxed smile, he said, “I have several things in the works, but I might also just take a break and spend some time pulling weeds in my garden.”
Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center, based in the Detroit suburb of Ferndale, has been in operation since 1989 and provides a variety of programs, services and social opportunities for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals residing in Southeastern Michigan. Affirmations’ mission is to provide a welcoming place to every day people where they can have fun, learn, socialize, grow, be supported and find acceptance.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I need to remind myself that I don’t have it so bad and that despite every thing that I have going on in my life right now if certainly could be worse. While I want things to be better for me I am grateful for what I do have.
For Jacob – Who is going to not one but two different sentencing hearings today, may he make it through the day regardless of the outcome.
For Steve – Who lost his wife of 18 years to cancer and may soon loss custody of his daughter, may he find the forgiveness needed to keep his family.
For Thomas – Who had his car stolen, may his travels be made easier.
For Scott – Who lost his job, may he soon find work for idle hands.
ho humm
Things have been busy of late. I cannot seem to post from e-mail, at least without major error and garbage showing up (Last Friday's post was like that for a while.)
There hasn't been much to update as I have been laying low and otherwise to preoccupied to make any observations that would require my own personal editorial.
The renovations to the Master Bedroom are well on their way and the new job is progressing nicely.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Next Wednesday, 11 May 2005: Last Comic Standing
Looking for something to do next Wednesday night? Join us at Mark Ridley’s in Royal Oak to root on our favorite comic in the “Last Comic Standing” Contest.
DATE: Wednesday, May 11, 2005
WHERE: Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle - on the corner of Troy St. & 4th in downtown Royal Oak. (One block south of 11 mile and one block east of Main St.)
WHEN: 8:00 PM - She could be first so don't be late! And the earlier you are the better chance you have of getting excellent seats.
COST: $2.00 - if you can't afford this try gathering up 20 empty bottles/cans...
WHY: Because she is very competitive and will cry if she doesn’t go on to the next round.
It will be a fun time for sure.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Melon Collie
Until later.
Know that you're loved,
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
National Teacher Day
No kidding. The day their boss’, boss’ bosses are elected into office we recognize the teacher. Ironic, maybe…
Either way, don’t forget to VOTE today.
If you live in
In Royal Oak you might also want to check out to get some more information pertaining to today’s election.
Monday, May 02, 2005
OK Hose Head
Were to begin…
Even before I left it was an adventure. This trip was originally scheduled for the previous week and was rescheduled at the last minute to Thursday of last week. The actual plan was unknown to me until late Tuesday afternoon so it wasn’t until then that I knew we would be traveling up Wednesday evening staying Wednesday and Thursday nights. Which is a BIG difference from where we started, I had half expected to either travel up or back in the same day to minimize travel costs. My coworker and I were supposed to travel together, again to minimize costs, and when last we spoke he asked when I got off of work and indicated that we would leave then. I had previously scheduled a meeting with my financial advisor well before the trip got changed, for the afternoon of Wednesday. When I returned from my meeting, my coworker, having changed his mind, now wishing to leave around lunch time, and not being able to locate me, left without me.
His leaving was in actually a small blessing in disguise. It gave me the opportunity to deal directly with a rental agency without having either a coworker there or being stuck without options. I made the rental reservation through corporate travel and headed off to the agency. When I arrived, as I expected, I was asked for my driver’s license. I explained the situation and was told that unfortunately they could not accept paper IDs, but that once I had the license back I would not have any problem. This in and of itself was a bit of a relief. Now I knew that the answer to one question without having to expose myself too much. Secondly that I would only have little more than one month to go also took some burden off my shoulders. Obviously at this point my only option was to drive my car which I was perfectly fine with, and actually would prefer.
The remainder of Wednesday night was uneventful. Because of rush our traffic and accidents on I-696, I-94 and 401 I did not arrive in
Thursday morning we set out for our first visit of the trip. My coworker drove as he managed to obtain a Jaguar X-type as his rental car. (I only hope that he was only charged the normal rate.) The plan for the day was to trial three different materials from three different suppliers, all at the same manufacturer. Now it isn’t necessarily unusual to try-out a couple of different materials, just not on the same day. We got to play a little bit of hot-potato when the second supplier arrived early all the while the first trial was behind schedule. It was an interesting time.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Au Canada
Well I made it. I did not think it would happen at one point but here I am. The entire thing was an adventure that MUST be documented for posterity. It has been a trial of my patience, a test of my resolve to accept the fate that I alone am responsible for, and a chance to get on with things back into a 'normal' life.
The over all details of my adventure will have to wait my return. I made it; the hard part is over for now.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Tips for Travelers to Canada
"Drunk Driving Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense. Penalties are heavy, and any prior conviction (no matter how long ago or how minor the infraction) is cause for exclusion from Canada. A waiver of exclusion may be obtained from a Canadian consulate in the United States, but several weeks are required. There is a processing fee for the waiver. "
Umm... Huston we have a problem. Do they mean there or here or in general?
I went online to determine what the latest requirement for business travel to Canada is. The travel agency referred to a letter that I needed to carry with me, but I have never needed anything of the sort before and trust if I haven't been to the great white north (or south as the case may be) tonnes of times before without any documentation aside from my passport; which is itself overkill for Canada. I read the letter but was more confused than before so I went to the source and that is when I discovered an entirely new problem. Well suffice to say that this evening will be quite entertaining, between the rental car and this I had better not forget my "banana".
If possible I will update tonight, otherwise I hope to see ya'll soon.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Blog Archive
- Second verse, same as the...
- World Record My Butt
- Legend of Sleepy Howell
- Out ye dreams
- F A T
- A father's love
- Things To Do
- Just a simple dinner
- Smile
- I had a dream
- Room for Rent!
- A Picture Share!
- Delphi in bankruptcy - 10/09/05
- A Picture Share!
- Harry Potter Part VI
- ABC News: Delphi set to file for Ch. 11-source
- Beware Internet Scams!!!