Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
Many of the traditions from years past continue and new one, presumably, have begun. 'A Jewish Christmas', which basically consists of going out for Chinese on Christmas Eve, was given a twist this year. This time we ate at a Thai place in Oak Park. Personally I prefer Thai anyway so I'm cool with it and the bonus was the owner of this Thai restaurant is gay so I may have found a new place to patronize.
Midnight mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament was celebrated by the Cardinal. A good friend of mine was going so I figured why the hell not. The music was great though the acoustics didn't seem to be good for much else. Not that the Cardinal's homily was worth hearing anyway more a collection of the good archbishop's greatest hits than anything stirring, insightful or worth referencing in future text. I did like one small part wherein the homophobe himself used the analogy of Christmas and wanting and the wanting of acceptance and community. Maybe one day he'll listen to his own words.
Presents tomorrow at Nana & Papa's followed by who knows what. Good times.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a good night.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Life, The World & Everything Thereafter
How we conduct ourselves when we deal with others has a lasting impact far after we have moved on to other things. At our jobs and with our personal relationships how we react to others and how we treat those around us can make our lives better or worse and the same for them. Most basically it can determine if we are hired, if we keep our jobs or if we are the one of a dozen candidates chosen for promotion. The same is true with relationships, if we get into, keep and grow relationships with others can be greatly affected by sometimes even the most subtle of our actions. How we are remembered even after years can be affected by our actions of one short moment.
Now more than ever the reverberations of our existence can stay with us even after death. Even before stumbling across a myspace profile of a now dead, gay man I had already begun to think more than mere passing thought should be put into what we put into the public domain. Would you be embarrassed if someone you loved came across your profile after you had died? It isn't within our power to know when we might pass and though not likely to happen for many years to come it could just as likely be this hour.
To that end I hope to begin anew. Live every day to it's fullest and as if it were the last, leaving nothing unsaid that should have been said nothing undone that could have been complete. Leading with my best foot forward, hoping for the best impression to be left behind and leaving this world better than when I found it.
Ambitious I know and I will not always succeed, to be certain, but it is a goal, after all if we aim at nothing we will hit it.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
From Zero to Angry in Record Time
Now I will admit that I should be more politic about what I say and how I react and I want to defend myself with a long list of things that would most definitely include "I hate stupid people" but I won't because the truth is that it is a fact of life that there will always be stupid people and they will always be in the way, and unfortunately they out number the rest of us, which gives them a certain amount of power and control. If I don't learn to deal with 'em I will never get ahead.
I honestly think that of late I have been better at how I handle most situations it's just that when I do react I do so which lightning quick speed and equal voracity.
It is something that I need to work on and recognize that my fate is tied to my ability to adjust my temperament. There is plenty that I could write about on this and probably will but for now I have other pressing matters.
Until next time.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Quote of the Week
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Maybe a bit too much with the religious references, just replace God with Cosmic Muffin if that helps ya. Do whatever it takes...
Sunday, December 03, 2006
A Christmas Explotion
Of course things would be easier if I didn't have a POS entrainment center that was half falling apart half weighing a ton that got in the way. Add that to my list of things ya'll can buy for me. And a new Aquos. Any takers?!?
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Serenity Now, Serenity Now!
Since I'm in a letting go kind of a mind there are some other items in my personal inventory that I would like to get rid of. This may be a touch unconventional, or not, but writing has always been my thing so here goes. Fuck You. You want me to be happy? Fuck you. You love me? Fuck you, you lying shithead. I was happy. I was in the best place I had ever been, I was finally pushing through some of my greatest insecurities stepping further out onto the limb than I had ever done before and for that I got you. You were keenly aware of my precarious situation and instead of assisting you shook the tree. Of course not before you got what you needed but then that's always been part of your nature too hasn't it? Well thanks and fuck you. I loved you. I still do. And I don't know what I'm supposed to do about that. When I think about the good times I smile. When I think about the bad times I don't think about the shitty things you did, how you messed with my mind, lied to me and played on my weaknesses. I don't reflect on how I knew long before the end how this would finish. I only remember how I got played for the fool. I do remember how every instinct in my being told me you were the one and how it made my heart flutter and my skin tingle. I remember I was wrong.
So what comes of it? I don't trust. I don't trust you, others or myself. I don't believe in others. Everyone have ulterior motives. Everyone are selfish. I won't make those mistakes again, I'll guarantee you that. Thanks. You made me stronger!?! Fuck you.
Why now you may ask. Maybe because I have recognized that I have not completely let go; because I've realized that I still carry a lot of shit around with me and I want to check that bag. I have thought that this was over but every time I see something that reminds me of you the first thing that strikes me is how even when you were 'here' you were somewhere else. My heart drops and my stomache flips. Maybe because I know I need to be able to move on and when the Right guy comes around I want to be ready for him. I don't want to miss out on one more thing because of how you affect me.
It is going to take a long time to get my trust back. I just hope that I do.
I'll admit and you know that I too bare some responsibility, but I do not and will not shoulder the full burden. I'm doing what I can and I'll move on. My life will someday be everything that I've imagined and more, then you will have lost out. We could have had a life together it's too bad we'll never know what could have been.
Wow that feels better... I'm not angry, just a little sad. This too shall pass.
I beg you to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart
and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms
or books written in a very foreign language.
Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now,
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually,
without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke
until then, know that you're loved,
"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown
Friday, December 01, 2006
Snow or Sun
(Product ) RED

but it still worked, mostly. Even I was getting tired of others telling me to speak up even when I was practically screaming into the mic. My new Razor should hopefully work for the foreseeable future. Plus it's the (RED) Razor so theoretically I made a small contribution to help reduce AIDS in Africa. I'd be interested to see what kind of proceeds result from this project, even if it does end up being a small amount it is better than nothing I suppose.
One minor technicality is given the way my old phone stored information, in particular text messages I've realized that I lost the numbers of a few people. Not too many but one or two that I never called but did text on occasion. Hopefully I'll get a message some day and can reprogram things. Otherwise, Oops sorry!
'til next time...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
When it's good to be Red
I'm glad that there has been so much focus on AIDS in Africa lately. Americans always seem to feel that if it isn't happening in their backyard it doesn't affect them. The sad truth is today that what happens halfway around the world does have an impact on each and every one of us. It may not be as immediate as something that can be witnessed as it occurs but fact is eventually what is happening in Africa will come-back to haunt us. I am sure there are those that could care less about Africa because of the people there are African and again that vision and appathy is greatly short sighted. Aside from the shear inhumanity of doing nothing is the fact that someday this epidemic will almost certainly reach a size that simply cannot be contained. Their will be no cure, there can only be a vaxcine and what will be the cost to vaxcinate 7 billion people? What will it take to open peoples eyes? What amount of loss will need to be suffered before we are spurned to action and will it be too late?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Take my factory, please...
At the same time tonight is the deadline for eligible employees of Ford to accept buy-outs. The hope is sufficient numbers will leave the payroll to at least eliminate the jobs bank, and allow for future plant closures without the usual pain. Of course tomorrow begins the lay-offs to make up the difference if enough haven't decided to leave. I know there will be lay-offs at my office this week, I think I will be OK, but you never know.
It's a great time to work in the auto industry.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Spent the afternoon taking photos of the city. I was initially reluctant but once I got into the swing of things I really enjoyed myself. Having a tripod really helps capture better pictures, especially at dusk. Driving there I kept thinking that I just needed to not worry what others might think or say and just take the photos. Ironically when I got to the Michigan Central Station I realized crowds wouldn't be my problem. With the exception of a hand ful of homeless wandering around I was by myself, which of course made me feel just as awkward albeit for entirely different reasons.
The beauty and grandeur of the old building amid the neglect and decay that is Detroit is so sad. I hope that I can capture many more buildings from many more angles.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I could just play the "pro" angle, after all I wouldn't mind being able to make some money from this in the long run, so I may as well act the part. Or I could just not worry about what others think. HA wouldn't that be great!
Until next time, know that you're loved,
Thought of the week
Religion is for people that want to go to heaven.
Spirituality is for peole that have been to hell, and never want to go back.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Pirates in tawny waters, originally uploaded by jmpznz.
Arrgh. Avst yee maties I hope you had a jolly day!
That reminds me that I need to figure out what I am going to wear to the pirate party. Everyone needs to dress like a pirate, it ought to be fun. Can you say scallywag?
Then of course there is the small matter of Halloween in San Francisco, what to wear, what to wear??? I'll be taking suggestions.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Neighborly Love
Neighborly Love, originally uploaded by Photo dLight.
So I'm somewhat floored by what my neighbors have done recently. In fact I'm not even sure when they put this flag up but it has to have been very recently. Needless to say I am beside myself. Are they that stupid? Am I wrong to interpret their flag as an indicator that they are nothing less than intolerant and racist? Is this flag in response to, and in support of, proposal 2; that would eliminate affirmative action in government hiring and university admissions? It would be one thing if we lived in the South, were they just can't help themselves. But for God's sake we are closer to the 45th parallel than the Mason-Dixon line, is there ANY other way to take this than they are a bunch of haters? Should I be afraid or should I just laugh? What the FUCK!?!
I thought the fact that my pride flag obscured my view of their flag was fitting irony.
Is it bad to be intolerant of intolerant people?
By the way am I the only one who has noticed that Michigan's Anti-gay Marraige Amendment was also Proposal 2?
AIDS Walk 2006

AIDS Walk Detroit 2006
Thank you to everyone that contributed. I met my goal and some.
It was interesting, I've noticed that I no longer have the extreme sense of guilt or sadness that I once had. I remember the first time I volunteered with the walk and watched a mother and father present a panel for the AIDS quilt of their son who had recently died. Oh how I cried. Now I walked through the display and reflected but was not moved. There were fewer and fewer recent deaths as part of the quilt and some panels that were not memorials to individuals at all. Maybe this is a good thing but I cannot help to think that this is just a lull. Someday the virus could mutate to fight off most current medications and the death rate will again be devastating. I believe already that many feel that to be HIV positive is not so bad. No thank you. Between the side affects, the social rejection - predominately from our own community these day - the cost, 'cause these drug are not cheap and the fact that you could still die from it I think I'll pass.
True I sometimes feel like it couldn't happen to me, I've taken some risks in my past, I only number a handful of people personally who are infected, and only one with full blown AIDS, but I do not know anyone personally who has past away because of the disease. Though I have never known a sexual world without this plague I suppose in a way it is like many other things. Everything eventually becomes old news and is no longer page one. While I do not want to read about the doom and gloom of the worst off I think it is worth reminding so that someday this problem may go away.
One can only hope.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Fog Advisory
We had a fog advisory this morning and it got me thinking of a land far, far away. I never fail to have a good time while I'm out there. Admittedly it has always been short trips on vacation but still there is something about the place that I like, and it's more the just the overwhelming number of gay men.
Last night I posted my resume on Monster to see what there may be out in the area. Not really pursuing anything actively but rather waiting to see what might come to me, at least for now. My only mistake so far is leaving Michigan as a selected location. I've already received three calls in the first 24 hours. Weren't we in a recession?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I'll drink to that!

According to a new study those that drink make more money that those that don't.
Wo who!
Of course the key point of the study indicates that it is because of the connection with colleagues, customers and business associates that is developed over a few frosty ones that is what makes all the difference. In other words drinking alone or getting smashed at the bar with the girls doesn't count.
You couldn't pay me to drink with my customer and many of my colleagues wouldn't want to drink with me, so... guess I better find a different way of getting ahead.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Late Night Sparty
New MSU GLBT Alumni Association to Host Sept. 30 Homecoming Reception
The newly-formed association for GLBT Alumni of Michigan State University will host a reception for GLBT alumni near the university’s East Lansing campus immediately following the Sept. 30 homecoming football game. The reception will take place at the James B. Henry Center for Executive Development at 3535 Forest Road, part of the University Club/Candlewood Suites complex just south of the Forest Akers Golf Course and approximately two miles south of campus. All MSU GLBT alumni, their family and friends are welcome. A cash bar will be available and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
8 weeks from today
Governor Granholm, originally uploaded by T.W.I.T..
It's time to vote again. Eight short weeks from tonight it will be too late. Educate yourself, learn the issues that will be on your local ballot, get to know the candidates as best you can and vote. I of course have my preferences but vote your conscience. All I ask is that when you vote do not only think of today and the next year but tomorrow and 30 years from now. Changing a political tide is like turning an aircraft carrier, it doesn't turn on a dime. Decisions made today have the potential to reverberate for decades to come. Where will you be? What world will you want to live in? How can you start to change the course of the world to get there today?
If you still haven't registered to vote there is still time. In Michigan you must be registered 30 days prior to the election. Click here to register.
Want to know what your ballot will look like? Chick here.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Steppin' OUT
Hey gang,
I know, I know long time no read for many of you. Suffice to say things have been busy – or I have been overly distracted lately. Anyway I wanted to remind ya’ll about this year’s AIDS Walk Detroit in
Whether you choose to give $10 or $100 every dollar will go to helping those affected by HIV/AIDS. Your support is greatly appreciated.
I hope this letter finds you in great spirits and health, I hope to talk to many of you soon. Let me know how you are doing in your own corner of the universe. Until then…
"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown
Saturday, July 15, 2006
It could too be a simple survival instinct that I do not find the boys down there attractive, but surprisingly I think I found a second family member on this last trip. Aside from the fact she is a former Marine and negating the utter lack of femininity due to the plant environment she referred to her relationship in vague generalities and third person gender neutralities. As someone who has been there I have to tell you this is a difficult thing to maneuver. Of course I wasn't about to call her out but still I think we managed to communicate.
OK I'm rambling
'til next
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hi Hello
The night of my last post before this something happened. It has taken some time to get right by it. Three months later I can still recognize the after effects and upon reflection think this may be something that I take with me through the rest of my life. Even today I found myself with thoughts that would not have been a part of me before.
I will be fine that I know but things are different. I've had a fair number of adventure and travels since we last met. I've done a lot for me (who else?!?) and a lot of nothing at the same time.
There have been plenty of things that I've thought I should opine over and share with ya'll. I've also thought about dropping the blog all together. I've certainly not done much to ensure regular readership, let alone anything grander. I may never... then again.
I should share some of my pics from my recent trip to San Francisco. We'll see.
Suffice to say I'm still around. Same old me, with just a bit more time to reflect.
'til next time...
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Yep it is that time already (already as if...). This afternoon I drug the patio furniture out and set up shop out in the back yard. The weather is perfect, the birds are singing and I'm tickled pink. Tomorrow I will break ground on the deck and soon I will have the completed another important phase of my back yard project.
What I've realized of course is that as with most things I am never satisfied. I have already devised the next the phases and am dreaming up even more. One step at a time but you never know.
As for the blog... I hope to spend a fair amount of time out here and while relaxing and listening o the radio is a good thing I wouldn't mind being able to write a bit in the process. Get on my soap box as some might say.
The truth is there have been multiple times when I have lay awake at night and realized the ramblings of my mind are similar to my writing. Of course I cannot say that one follows the other but I don't mind being able to share my point of view with some things. I am not of course an expert and intentionally avoid some topics because I know it is being read by some people that are decidedly less than anonymous.
I could of course change the blog address, add some content that may turn some of and prevent others from reading doing work but what would be the point? In a way I appreciate the fact that despite time and distance I can continue a dialogue, albeit one way, with those I don't see or talk to on a regular basis. It is in a subtle way, as this post is as well, of saying that though you are not in my life the you were that does not mean I do not think of you.
Sometimes of course more can be said with less (or perhaps with links) so look for it and enjoy.
'til then...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Hello Huston?!?
The Gospel of Judas
The errors, or at the very least logical flaws in Digital Fortress has me wondering about The Da Vinci Code. I know it's fiction but part of what makes the story such a great seller is that it is so believable. The only problem is that if one story is so obviously flawed the other must be as well. It is by itself the best argument the Catholic Church should ever need to diffuse the conspiracy theories that get inflamed by a book like this. Makes sense doesn't it?
Anyway they'll have plenty to do spinning what is sure to come out of the Lost Gospel of Judas.
I'm not for the destruction of the church but anytime we can learn more about our past I'm all for that...
Monday, April 10, 2006
We'll be serving
entree: Panko encrusted Chicken w/ a Red Pepper reduction sauce, Butternut Squash Ravioli, and Haricots Vert.
Dessert: Bumpy Cake
Sunday, April 09, 2006
We have contact
As it turns out I was have some difficulties in March and I reset my router. Apparently I need to be more careful about that as it lost the settings it needed to communicate with the modem and couldn't connect. Somewhere in the efforts to reinstall the system information it wouldn't do it so...
Linksys was pretty helpful, though I must admit I put off calling them for well over a month. I just don't like dealing with those things. OF COURSE both calls I made there I spoke with someone not of this hemisphere. It's annoying from a fundamental point of view in that I know someday my job may be there as well and more simply because many times I had to ask for them to repeat what was said. And I generally think that I can pick up on that better than most.
Anyway, now that's out of the way...
Dan Brown: Digital Fortress
Digital Fortress is one of Dan Brown's earlier novels. Having read both The Da Vinci Code
and Angels & Demons
I almost immediately recognize his style. Blending fiction with non-fiction to create a story that is both fantastical and easily imagined. There is the organization that few know much actual detail about, in this case the NSA. There is the hero, or this time the heroine and their dark mysterious foil. Not to be forgotten the hero's mate who is placed into a fair amount of peril on his own. Most importantly the plot twist(s) that reveal themselves only after a few chapters of slight of hand.
The problem of course comes when you actually know something about the subject matter. Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code both dealt with the Catholic Church which has always been shrouded in secrecy. It is easy to believe somethings when conspriacy has clouded the line between fact and fiction before you even get to chapter one. This of course is not to say that the NSA isn't as equally secretive but it certainly doesn't have two millenia behind it, and more importantly the 'Digital Fortress' is just a fancy computer. It's really hard to stretch the bounds of reality with something as ubiquitous as a PC. There were certain twists that I saw coming a mile away. I don't know if it because they were so obvious or Dan Bown's style is so formulaic, or both. In all the book kept my interest if only because I was curious to see if I was on the right trail.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The end is near...
Increasingly over the last few years I cannot help to think that the world as we know it won't be for much longer.
Motor City No Longer
I am convinced that I will not have the same type of job 30 years from now. I don't mean that I'll be in management rather than an engineer. I mean that I do not think that I will be working in the auto industry. My job will have been long ago down sized and those that remained shipped over seas. The auto industry in the US is dying, plain and simple. There is no getting around it. If I had one single piece of advice it would be to run, don't walk, away from here. I know I've said it before, but it's worthy of restating.
My prediction: GM will be filing for bankruptcy within the next 18 months. This may not be an immediate problem but consider that the aftershocks due to the financial fall out of their bankruptcy will effect multiple companies most significantly the most vulnerable. Those tier I & II companies that are already on the brink will be pulled over the edge either directly because of the GM's filing or will fall in as the edge erodes and finds them. Even if GM survives the filing thousands will loose their jobs. Most will not be GM employees (they will have long be let go)
, no they will be the individuals that do the real work that they once thought their college degrees ensured a stable career. The world as we know it will change.
It's Getting Hot in Here
Whether I have a job or not may be entirely irrelevant given the global climate change that is currently taking place. Sure we could be a multi year cycle that will soon be cooling and stabilizing, the problem with that is if we do nothing and we are wrong, by the time we know beyond the shadow of a doubt it will have been far far too long. It has been said that if we humans stopped today there would be enough energy in the system to continue to raise the earth's average temperature by one degree. And sure it's only one degree but do you realize how much energy would be required to raise the ENTIRE earth's atmosphere by one degree. We're not talk about a small amount of energy.
The predictions are for increased and more sever weather. Greater destruction from hurricanes and tornados. Increase seasonal flooding due to higher rains and coastal erosion from the melting of the polar caps. The world as we know will change.
$100 per Barrel - HA
It won't be long before $70 a barrel is a romantic memory not a dreaded thought of thinks to come. It won't end in Iraq and the politics of it will make today seem as nothing. We will soon be fighting India and China not only for jobs but oil as well. The promise of selling millions more new cars in those two markets will come a great price, increased oil consumption. Remember too that almost everything we come into daily contact is touched by oil. Plastics, detergents, fertilizers for food, oil for heating, electricity to run your house and factories and gasoline. It's not going to be pretty. The world as we know will change.
Things aren't going well right now and I blame the present administration and its politics of fear in part for my mood. I blame the fear of the unknown too. The world is at a cross roads, my life is in flux. The world as we know it will change; I can only hope to see the other end.
Monday, April 03, 2006
I've got a better connection here at the hotel then I do at home right now (and time to kill) so you just might hear more from me this week.
'til then,
Saturday, March 25, 2006
A bunch of us did a night in A2. Dinner at the Arbor brewing company. Then dancing at the Necto. It was the first time that I had been out in a while. It was a mix of fun and stress, anxiety and pleasure.
I’m still processing the many issues of the last year and trying to get through them as best possible. I had a beer at the club which wasn’t enough to completely cut the nerves but it helped somewhat. This place can be somewhat intimidating because it is filled predominately by the 18 ~ 25 that attend university there. On the surface being surrounded by the younger crowd can make you feel a little bit older that reality. Upon reflection they lack the very experience and maturity I would want and no amount of beauty or vitality can make up for that in the long run. There were however several guys there that would, in appearance and demeanor, have those qualities and more. Maybe next time I’ll work up the never to actually talk to one of them. (I’m not big on rejection right now and also want to know they are interested so…)
In the ‘got knocked off my horse’ category I ran into A* there as well. It was nice to see him but nevertheless it was definitely the singular turbulence moment of the evening. I made a few other observations that both hurt and helped. And with most things I want to know and am afraid to. If you pick at a wound it will never heal. I’m more than ready to move on and I know that I have already made strides to do so but I still have a ton of emotions to process and plenty of healing still ahead. MGF told me that part of all of this could be made easier if I could forgive. In his words I shouldn’t be part of the hurt in this world. In a way I think that I already have but know that parts still linger. The real problem that I have is that it is hard to forgive when there isn’t an admission to guilt or even a request for forgiveness. It’s difficult when I still feel the way that I do, but easier knowing that part of me will not change and in time it will fade.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Big Bash 2006

Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center proudly celebrates 17 years of service at its single largest annual fundraising event, The Big Bash. This year we’re celebrating the people and events that fueled our past and drive our future. Upon arrival, guests will revisit both inspiring and heartbreaking moments of LGBT history displayed against the stunning backdrop of GM’s best in automotive design throughout the last 100 years.
The location is one of our area’s best-kept secrets, The GM Heritage Center. Available only for private affairs, it showcases more than 150 historically significant concept and production vehicles from as early as 1903 in a beautiful 81,000 square-foot facility. Guests will see Woodward Avenue as they’ve never seen it before!
Support Affirmations' work with gay and lesbian youth, seniors, and families by joining fellow on-lookers at this celebration of the people who inspire us. Limited Edition tickets are $250 and include complimentary valet parking, an invitation to a private, pre-event guided tour of the facility and more. Classic level tickets are $150 provide one general admission to the event. Make your reservation today by calling 248-398-7105.
When: Saturday, April 29, 2006, beginning at 6:00pm. Private tour for Limited Edition guests begins at 5:00pm.
Where:GM Heritage Center6400 Center Drive, Sterling Heights, Michigan
How Much:Classic tickets, $150Limited Edition tickets, $250 and include:
- Complimentary valet parking
- Invitation to the private, guided tour (begins at 5pm the same evening)
- Special recognition in our evening program and other treats
To purchase tickets online, go to $3.50 online processing fee will be assessed by Box Office Tickets)
What's Included:Open BarFull dinner, vegetarian options available upon requestMusical EntertainmentLive Auction Silent Art AuctionRaffle
Call to reserve your tickets today -- 248-398-7105Come Celebrate our Heritage!
Sunday, March 05, 2006

I know I should be hoping that Brokeback Mountain will win but I don't feel that it is the best. My personal favorite is 'Crash'.
I've always had a thing for the way some story lines can show the interconnection of life and 'Crash' does that with a twist.
The acting in the movie isn't always first rate but the overall movie is good. The same could be said of Brokeback save that were it not for the controversy of the film I so not know if it would even be in contention.
For the record I posted this a full hour before the award. Note below...
This year's Academy Awards
Is it just me or does this year's Oscars feel like one big commercial to go see a movie in a theater?
Well the thing is...
My router is fried so doing anything on-line right now is a pain and I cannot connect to work so I've had to put in a few extra hours there to do some of the things I had started to do here.
Spent the weekend with my nephew. We had a lot of fun but I was ready for him to go home. It apparently showed because toward the end he even asked if I was getting annoyed with him. It wasn't so much that, as it was that his father was supposed to have picked him up hours before and I missed out on something I had been hoping to do. So be it.
The cute guy from last week has disappeared into the either. Though I have made zero attempt to contact him and I realize because of certain people I am not yet willing to be the one to put anything out there for rejection. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. Sad for the obvious that I still have some way to go and angry because I now recognize this as something that was taken from me. I am not the same person I was, and at the present I am feeling as though that may not be an all together positive thing. In many ways I might be worse off now than before, not stronger.
The saying goes it is always darkest before the dawn. Well then I'm ready to wake up. I grow weary of the darkness and long for the light.
I know it will be some time still and the hard parts may yet lay head. Let's hope I see those things coming...
I am so hollow

Goodbye My Lover
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Turning the Corner
In the same way things are started to look up in the personal arena as well. I met up for drinks (or something like that) the other night. Things went well, we talked a lot and enjoyed the evening. He is cute and has things together which is a plus. I cannot say where things will go in the long run but then I am not going to worry about that. If there is one thing I have learn it's that I have to take things one day, one experience at a time.
I'm beat from the work out at the gym today so that is my report for tonight...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Can I get a Time Out?
I have grabbed my gym bag each morning oblivious to the fact that it wasn't happening. Of course neither is much else so with that, sweet dreams...
Sunday, February 19, 2006
On second thought
But you know it's late so...
Found in the Dungeon
I was cleaning up the basement this morning trying to get organized and make some extra room and came across this. Needless to say I though there once was a bird down there but never did find it. Until now at least. May be it is time I put a screen on the chimney.
A creepy artifact found in my basement.
I know, I know
I am re-evaluating my contribution to the community and what my part is and will be moving forward. Work is starting to eat into my free time and I need to manage my stress a bit more actively than most so I do need to prioritize how I spend the rest of my time. Thinking about dating again but I still don't know...
Like I said that random phone call has definitely made me aware of how hurt I am still and how much more I have to do.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
The Next Best Thing
After dinner I decided to rent a movie. In protest of the day however I decided to forego the chic-flick romance (they were mostly sold out anyway) and went with the latest new release, "Saw II"

Because I wasn't planning on sleeping anyway, right?!?
Monday, February 13, 2006
Kwame flies Coach
Sited this past weekend in Phoenix, sans entourage. As the story goes he was out there for some convention. Maybe with any luck he'll lure some business back this way. More surprising than anything he flew in coach. I would have thought Mr. Bling would have had a private chartered jet or at least flown First Class. I guess they haven't given him his credit card back.
And no entourage, either. I've not seen him in Metro Detroit with out four or five crony body-guards. Maybe he figured no one out of the area would want to do him any harm. Maybe the petty cash fund was depleted flying him out there and there wasn't anything left for the boys. Who knows...
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Rumors of my departure...
I do have some things to report and observations made that I would like to put to words. I hope to report back in with more details.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Only our failures
Sunday, January 29, 2006
'til then...
Know that you're loved,
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Tick tock
Campaign Finance Statements are due in a week and while I have most of the information I am still missing one or two tid bits that could make all the difference. Still I don't expect to have to stay up all night this time.
Time is running out on the Capital Campaign too. With less than one week to go we only need $18,784 out of $5,300,000. Anyone want to write a check? There were a lot of people that worked very hard on this project.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Mr. Sandman
Now throw in short attention span theater and you get a review of last week and planning for next month. Reminiscing about past loves wondering about loves to come. Ofcourse none of this would be complete without something to regret over. Some future to worry about. Too numerous plans made, far more than any one individual can complete. And this of course is just an over view.
Eventually the sleep does come and the dreams pick up where the waking mind left off. I can only hope to eventual tame the noise and clam my mind long before midnight hoping that tonight I can get a decent night's rest.
I miss having A* to cuddle up to the rhythm of his breathing and the beat of his heart gave me something to concentrate on. The love shared keeping me insulated for the moment.
I am far from that time now and the best I can do is try to be at peace with what I have. Sweet dreams to you all may you find comfort tonight.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Google this

Granted none of the information left behind will, per se, tell them who you are specifically. But an established history and repeated hits to a site can provide some information to hint at your identity.

So next time you are going to "google" some porn think twice, or don't.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Reflections in the Mirror
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
525,600 minutes
I could probably run on for a while with this metaphor but I think you get the drift. Things have been coming back to me. I guess because I have had the time to think and the hurt is starting to subside. The problem with all of this is the what if's, and I should have's that start to emerge. I can never seem to stop rehashing and revisiting the past. I beat myself up over things I did and should have done differently just as much as I beat myself up for things I did not do. There were times when I was too strong and others when I was not strong enough; moments when my patience could have been more and moments when my patience turned me into a dish rag.
I once thought if I were laid off it would be the end of the world.
I once didn't care that I couldn't handle my drinking.
I once thought I had met the love of my life.
I once said I would never sell my car.
I once...
This time one year ago my life was in a tailspin, and it was the beginning of the end for many things, it was not however the end of beginnings. After I hit the ground, however rough that landing might have been, I survived. I am only now learning to fly again. Only a little worse for the ware, I know I fly will again some day. I still don't trust myself, my instincts or my heart enough to think I can fly alone and fear that it may be some time before I do. That time will come and I will be ready when it does.
Learn from your mistakes and from those times life doesn't go the way you wish. Forget regret...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
If Love is
Monday, January 16, 2006
and the winner is...
Best Screenplay - Motion Picture: Written by Larry McMurtry, Diana Ossana Based upon the original short story by Annie Proulx. It helps to have an excellent story to start with but credit must be given to their ability to transform the story into a screen play that transitioned the text into the visual.
Best Original Song - Motion Picture: "A Love That Will Never Grow Old" A good song I guess, though I cannot say that I recall hearing it. Then again none of the songs nominated this year are major stand-outs. Do you ever wonder if there are some years were they would really rather just skip certain awards for the year?
Best Director - Motion Picture: Angie Lee He has not directed that many films but what he has have been recognized as excellent pieces of work. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Eat Drink Man Woman; and The Wedding Banquet to name but a few. Way to go Ang, keep up the good work. Oh, we all forgive you for The Hulk now.
Best Motion Picture - Drama: Brokeback Mountain It's a real credit to the movie, the actors and the director. In the ideal world, the place where many only dream, we could say the award was based strictly on the merit of the performance, directing, production and writing. In this real world we have to acknowledge the importance of the content of the movie and recognize the ground breaking message this award sends. I am happy tonight.
"Love is a force of Nature"
Golden Globes
Dakota Johnson, this year's Miss Golden Globe, daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith - herself Miss Golden Globe 1975, daughter of Tippi Hedren - looked to be a bit stage struck.
Sleeper Cell did not win for best mini-series. Too bad 'cause I thought it was pretty good. But I guess since it was the only mini-series I saw any part of I'm not a qualified to prejudge the others.
Reese Witherspoon, won for Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. She has all she needs in her husband. Two words - Yumm ee. I just remember seeing Little Boy Blue. Let's just say he deserved some type of award for a certain performance in that film!
And in a surprise Mary Louise Parker won for Best Actress in a Television Series. She deserves it. And given the other four nominees where from Desperate Housewives I thought it a foregone conclusion that someone from that cast would win. I'm torn, because seeing those ladies go at it if one of them had won would have been worth it.
All of this of course is the build up to the Best Motion Picture award to see if Brokeback Mountain will win. The other movies are good competition so well see. I cannot help but hope that it does win. While it will not mean a tidal change in the current climate perhaps it will signal a change in the swing of the pendulum. Let's hope.
Dr. MLK Jr. Day
Of course perhaps today I should be doing something to give back. The preference is to call today a National Day of Action rather than just a National Holiday. I would counter that by saying 1.) Doing some of these things today allows me to participate in such Action the rest of the month and 2.) The day isn't over and trust if I don't have something to go to later tonight.
I have thought about what side I would have been on were I alive in 1965, if any. I know now that I would have wanted to be involved, though my circumstances may have made it difficult. That said I believe my desire to come out on the side of support is in part to the history that brings us to today and my own personal experience to this point. Clearly my own life would have been different if the timeline were shifted by 40 years, and further the history that has fermented my opinions was being made at that point so my opinions would be different could potentially be different, and most likely would be.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Memoirs of a Fictionalist
I had thought that maybe it was just me. Inasmuch as I haven't really been doing anything even close to the scale of their adventures I have thought it is entirely possible the stories are true. But really are there that many Brian Kinney's out there? Probably not.

It is understandable in the case of Frey why you may want to embellish the story to help increase sales. In that vein nothing helps to increase sales more than sex. So it would make sense that the sex would likely be more memoir than biographical. Oh I know there is little in the way of financial incentive to do this but if you think people won't go t ascertain lengths just to get a few more hits on their site you clearly haven't be in the blogosphere much.
The ranking, rating and reviewing that goes on feeds the egos of many a blogger. Even more there is some money to be made with Google Ads or other third party links from the blog. All of that said I don't know that I want them to change one bit.
I have felt some push to be more creative in my own blogging but I suppose that to be creative does not need to mean becoming fictional or graphic - not that there would be much anyway but still.
Ok so I'm rambling at this point so good night...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Come down from the Mountain
Of course Shalit has issued an apology.
It is, in my opinion, yet another example where the GLBT community has it's hissy fit over yet another trite matter, again losing sight of the forest for the trees. We end up being a bunch of whiney cry babies anytime we get a paper cut.
Any movie like this, that breaks new ground on subject matter that is less than fully embarrassed by a full majority of society is bound to have strong reactions for or against. Leonard Pitts, true to his style has clearly come out in defense of the movie and has taken those whose comments were less than educated to task. Long an outspoken ally of the community he uses his strong power of the written word to defend the movie and continue his fight of discrimination.
The review that I like the most comes by way of Vogue and NPR's Fresh Air. Reviewing the movie and defending it, John Powers, addresses some of the reasons for the reactions to this movie and puts it in a light that perhaps is closer to truth than some would admit. Take the time to listen.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The truth hurts
Friday, January 06, 2006
Here Comes the Sun
Today alone made up for the dismal amount of sun we had in all of December.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I opine
Monday, January 02, 2006
Deep Breaths
I am not going to get to my goals over night so I can take it in steps. So I have my gym bag packed and I have a yoga class that I can go to so that is a great start. I wish I was more into yoga right now 'cause my upper back is killing me and aside from A* no one could ever get it right so it's hurt'n.
I've actually be thinking and reflecting and I am going to seriously make a push to incorporate Yoga as a more central part of my daily routine. I NEED inner peace and I definitly do not have that right now. I know that this part of the year is difficult but I need to be stronger. I'm starting a new year and need to seize on to this as a new begining to get back to those things that I've wanted and know I can do.
I don't need to be 130lbs again, although I wouldn't mind the 28" waist that went along with it. I don't need a boyfriend but I now that I want to share my life with someone (and I assume that to be a boyfriend) But neither of those things, nor some variation thereof will happen tomorrow. I cannot say that I will ever get there, I do not know what will happen in the future. I do know that there will be good things to come and here's looking forward to them.