Wednesday, May 19, 2004

C'est La Vie

Sitting at the bar last night I noticed a table of guys sitting around watching the football game on TV. One came up the bar and ordered drinks for the table in perfect Spanish. I was a bit surprise because although they could have been they just didn't look Mexican. First of all they were cute and the cloths they were wearing had a more European style to them. As it happened I knew one of the engineers playing pool which was just behind their table. While I was talking to them I heard them talking, but not in Spanish but rather French. Ou la la. I sat there and listened to their conversation, not picking up nearly enough to understand, but the sound of their language was so beautiful. I'd forgotten how much more elegant French is, particularly when compared to Spanish. It was quite a treat. After re-calibrating my gaydar to account for the Euro-factor they fell off the map, but oh how they would have been a treat.

So I complained yesterday about the tedium that is working in Mexico. Today karma stepped in and took me bowling with the Supplier Quality Manager from our customer. You have to say something about going bowling in the middle of the day with someone who normally inspires fear rather than fun. It was a good break from the norm and I managed to break 100 on each game; not bad for someone who rarely bowls at all. I didn't care for the 'high-fives' that followed each bowler in each frame. I have yet to figure out if they just wanted to increase the machismo of bowling or just needed the ego boost. Straights... go figure.

Of course to balance that out it is the rainy season here and some of the cactus are beginning to bloom. I brought my camera but proceeded to forget the memory card. I have my small one but that holds only a handful of pictures. I guess I get what I can and hopefully post a few later.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Sunrise, Sunset

Working in Mexico isn't a whole lot of fun. I leave for the plant about the time the sun is rising. Stand around at the assembly plant most of the day waiting for something to happen. Most of the time it is a completely uneventful day (which in a way is good, but gosh is it boring.) Lunch is usually something quick and dirty, such as the Taco stand across the street from the plant. (My best advice is to not eat there and if you do, do not look behind the counter to see how they do it.) I've survived so far, but then I probably just jinxed myself.

Anyway, after we are done at the assembly plant I head over to my manufacturing plant. There I get to argue with my own coworkers as to what is truly important and where we should be spending the majority of our resources. They do things different down here, I'll leave it at that.

Once I am done with that there is the mountain of paper work that needs to be processed on any regular day. After getting sick of waiting form my internet connection to do something I usually call it a day around 8. At that time I can make it back to the hotel and order room service because I am just too tired to go out at that point. If I am lucky I will get three or four continuous hours of sleep before I wake up to do it again.

So for those of you that say, "Gee, Mexico how nice!" think about that before thinking I am on some sort of boondoggle.

Have a great day

Monday, May 17, 2004

Random Thoughts

Have you ever noticed the moment the lead flight attendant announces that you need to remain in your seats until we are parked at the gate is precisely when most people take their seat belts off?!?

If you are in a line on a moving side walk which is hopelessly clogged, because someone up front is either to ignorant to notice everyone behind him or just doesn't care, do you really need to push your way through that line when everyone else wants to be moving as well but can't.

Don't you think that getting on to an elevator, before everyone that is getting off has had a chance to do so, is kind of like wiping you butt before you shit?

Friday, May 14, 2004

What happened?

So I've realized that in many ways those things that were important to me before have taken a bit of a back seat to other things. I don't go to the gym much any more and while I can definitely tell the difference and want to have a better body I cannot seem to find the motivation to do so. I read some of my early blogs and again realized that at one point I put a lot more into these than I do now as well. Well the fact of the matter is that this isn't because things are bad or my life is so tortuous that I no longer do those things that seemed to give me some degree of happiness in the past. Things are actually really good. And that is just it, while I am extremely busy and find little time for some of the more frivolous things in life (like the time to write a decent blog) many of those things I did previously were more filler than anything else. I did them to pass the time. They were distractions of a sort to get me through the day. I don't have much free time because I am busy doing those things that I want to do.

That said I need to focus more on certain things that have fallen by the wayside because well they are important to me. They just took a back burner while I focused on other more important things.

Besides you all want to know about the "Jungle Juice Party" not my job or my woes. So be it... later, when I have time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


We spent the evening looking at new cars, tonight. A* has had the itch to get something knew lately and is thinking of getting something new and shiny to replace his Saturn. We looked at a few different cars. I would have preferred to look at the new Chrysler 300 C. Way out of budget but a boy can dream right? At the Dodge dealership we test drove a Dodge SRT-4. I nearly wet myself. Now granted it isn’t a Porsche but boy was that car fun. Getting back into my car after that one just didn’t cut it.

The countdown to Toronto Pride is on. I can hardly wait! I definitely need to get myself to the gym and get this body into prime shape for that event! So who else is going?!?

I’m taking a break from trying to re-educate my computer. I had to wipe it some time back (the third time in as many months.) This time Firewalls and Blockers and everything you can imagine is between me and the bad people. So be ware. ‘til later.

Know that you're loved,


"Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown

Monday, May 10, 2004

This Just In

Breaking News: To good to wait until later. PZ has now made the airwaves in metro Detroit. Flim at eleven.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

This is NOT a Test


So the worm has crippled my computer. I am slowly backing up files and preparing it for a complete lobotomy. Frustrating to say the least as this will be the third time in 3 months on a brand new computer. Ya gotta love Windows XP!

So in other new Toronto Pride is only 49 days away. I need to get my but to the gym and stick to eatting healthy a little bit better. I gots ta look good fo' my peeps! Trust!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

After the blogging Holiday

OK, OK I suck I know. Well of course I do but that is an entirely different story. I have been crazy busy - as usual - but then I really do think I like it that way. I tend to get a little frazzled from time to time and I swear I feel like I'm always on the go but when I sit for even a short period of time I get antsy and cannot help but want to do something. Now that's not to say that I don't indulge myself every now and again but really even when I rent a movie and watch it I end up doing something else at the same time. Multi-tasking that is, or as Michael would say "zat is very Efficient, ya!" or something like that. Thing is in all of my doing a little bit of everything blogging things down just doesn't seem to fall on the list. It also doesn't help that my computer caught a cold.

So anyway as a quick catch up...

Tuesday night A* and I have dinner with ARE at our place and end up at the MB. Complete mess. Why I go out drinking on a work night is absolutely beyond me. (sometimes I wonder why I go out drinking at all, but then again...)

The rest of the week was pretty low key. Did a lot of work around the house and yard. A* headed back to Louisville for the Derby on Friday leaving me to my own devices. I managed to get quite a few little tasks done around the house and managed to hang out with some friends as well. All in all not a bad weekend, although I could have done without the rain.

This week proves to be interesting. I seem to be on a roll with some of the renovations I have going so I am going to try my hardest to stay focused on that. We'll see. Stay tuned.