Thursday, July 08, 2004

Happiness is...

Sometime we forget to pause for a moment and appreciate the simple things in life.  You know, all of the little things that while seemingly unimportant for a "big picture" point of view are the very thing that makes our life just that, our.  I like my life and am happy.  I guess sometimes I forget that.  


I've been feeling a little blue lately so I guess it makes sense that other have begun to pick up on it.  I know my friends are probably a touch frustrated with me and I know A* has questioned if I still love him or not.  The truth is I could be happier.  I may be frustrated from time to time but then who isn't?  Like I said.  I need to remember to measure my life against what I want and who I am rather than using others as the standard for happiness.  Who knew right?!?


Anyway, I hope everyone out there is happy too.


As always...


Know that you're loved.



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