Sunday, February 26, 2006

Turning the Corner

Another week down... This weekend I spent a fair amount of time doing a little bit of everything and actually managed to make some progress on a few matters in the process. I could easily go out and buy a lot of the things that I need to finish a lot of the little projects around the house but then I'd go broke. Better that I knock of one or two things and get them done and out of the way. I'll spend some and work and the relax and wait to do it again.

In the same way things are started to look up in the personal arena as well. I met up for drinks (or something like that) the other night. Things went well, we talked a lot and enjoyed the evening. He is cute and has things together which is a plus. I cannot say where things will go in the long run but then I am not going to worry about that. If there is one thing I have learn it's that I have to take things one day, one experience at a time.

I'm beat from the work out at the gym today so that is my report for tonight...

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