Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here again.

Many of the traditions from years past continue and new one, presumably, have begun. 'A Jewish Christmas', which basically consists of going out for Chinese on Christmas Eve, was given a twist this year. This time we ate at a Thai place in Oak Park. Personally I prefer Thai anyway so I'm cool with it and the bonus was the owner of this Thai restaurant is gay so I may have found a new place to patronize.

Midnight mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament was celebrated by the Cardinal. A good friend of mine was going so I figured why the hell not. The music was great though the acoustics didn't seem to be good for much else. Not that the Cardinal's homily was worth hearing anyway more a collection of the good archbishop's greatest hits than anything stirring, insightful or worth referencing in future text. I did like one small part wherein the homophobe himself used the analogy of Christmas and wanting and the wanting of acceptance and community. Maybe one day he'll listen to his own words.

Presents tomorrow at Nana & Papa's followed by who knows what. Good times.

Merry Christmas to All and to All a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! 35+ weeks is like way too long to go between blog posts. You're making me look like an over-achiever.