Thursday, February 17, 2005

How do you plead?!?

Things went smoother than I would have expected but then it is my impression it is more about bringing in revenue rather than punishing, preventing or rehabilitating. Due to a paperwork glitch I had the lesser of the two issues dropped and the other reduced. Fees and penances have yet to be levied as I have been asked to participate in a "mock trial" at one of the local high schools. This should be interesting. According to consul things should be more lenient as a courtesy for participating. Let's hope so. Still I would have almost rather had this over so that I could get on with it. Waiting and wondering is the worst part of it all.

On an interesting side note we got to see one of the "dancers" from the Troll Coast... I mean Gold Coast get it for a page long list of items. Not surprised, still he didn't seem to care for the sentence and looked quite scared. My guess is he was a Top, and I stress was. (giggles)

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