Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The rule of unintended consequences

Not having a job right now means that I can sleep-in if I want. Being the type of person who relishes sleep, but rarely having the opportunity to do so I rather enjoy being able to get up when I please. The down side to that is that I don't feel like I get enough done during the day. Sure I have a decent lead on a job right now so I best take advantage of the chance while it lasts but that is sort of like putting all of my eggs in one basket. Outside of job hunting, there are plenty of things that I can do around the house that I should be doing as well not to mention that A* might appreciate. The largest down side is that it is now almost 1AM am I'm not the least bit tired. Unintended consequence. I cannot fall asleep at night.

Having spent the last few weeks with NPR playing in the background I have begun to realize that most things these days have unintended consequences. Think about it - Social Security, the Iraq War, Smoking Ban's you name it and you can probably find some out come that was not only not anticipated but counter productive. I hope to go through some of these issues in more detail as they seem to be interesting to me and I hope to you.

Not that I think they are all unintended and that is where some of the most fierce debates will come.

Stay tuned...

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