Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone was able to relax and enjoy even a moment of peace today.  Christmas has always been about family to me and I am glad that most of my family was home to celebrate the day together.  My sis of course could not but we were able to talk for a while and her mother-in-sorta law made the trek out to San Francisco so she had some degree of family.

I am looking forward to the new year and a chance toward new starts.  I have been slowly build to getting back into me.  Doing things for me and get me back on track.  If it means being selfish to an extent then so be it.  I cannot yet trust my judgment to allow myself to begin dating again.  I am still to wounded from the past year and do not want to make some of the same mistakes I’ve made.  

As usual I want to try and contribute on a more regular basis to this blog.  We’ll see if I keep it up or not.  I may drop this all together too.  If nothing I do need to learn to let go maybe here would be a good start.  Time will tell.

Until next time, to all a good night.

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