Wednesday, January 18, 2006

525,600 minutes

This time one year ago my life was in a tailspin. 24 hours later I was pushed out of the plane. While I may have been handed a parachute before heading for a free fall I did not have the opportunity to put it on or figure out how it worked.

I could probably run on for a while with this metaphor but I think you get the drift. Things have been coming back to me. I guess because I have had the time to think and the hurt is starting to subside. The problem with all of this is the what if's, and I should have's that start to emerge. I can never seem to stop rehashing and revisiting the past. I beat myself up over things I did and should have done differently just as much as I beat myself up for things I did not do. There were times when I was too strong and others when I was not strong enough; moments when my patience could have been more and moments when my patience turned me into a dish rag.

I once thought if I were laid off it would be the end of the world.

I once didn't care that I couldn't handle my drinking.

I once thought I had met the love of my life.

I once said I would never sell my car.

I once...

This time one year ago my life was in a tailspin, and it was the beginning of the end for many things, it was not however the end of beginnings. After I hit the ground, however rough that landing might have been, I survived. I am only now learning to fly again. Only a little worse for the ware, I know I fly will again some day. I still don't trust myself, my instincts or my heart enough to think I can fly alone and fear that it may be some time before I do. That time will come and I will be ready when it does.

Learn from your mistakes and from those times life doesn't go the way you wish. Forget regret...

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