Friday, March 04, 2005

So now what?!?

Good question!

I really don't know what it is that I am supposed to be doing right now in my life. I mean, I know I need to try to find a job and once that is taken care of that could be that. Let's face it though, I do not honestly believe that it will be that simple. Let's assume that I do get a job in the next few weeks, and let's assume that I make as much money (if not more - I can hope) as my last job. What then??? Do I like this job or is it more of the same? Do I know what it is that I want to do? Do I struggle through life like the rest of the cattle, trying to make ends meet, never really making an impact on the world as a whole and never truly being happy because I neither work in a job that I find fulfilling or I do not make enough money to compensate for the former? Do I go back to school and if so for what? Do I go full time or nights? Do I move from here or do I stick it out? When will I know? When will it be too late? Do I change my career? Can I accept a pay cut to do something that I would rather do? What is it that I want to do again? Am I happy? Could someone please let me know when I am? Do I want too much or is it that I have my sights set too low? Should I take my chances with a multi-level marketing scheme, I mean business, or do I run for the hills and do something different? Could I be successful as an eBay reseller? Should I start a new business or franchise with a current one? What? When? Where? How? And Why? (does Which go in there?)

Of course I could put the same question to this blog. What is it's purpose again? Does anyone read this? Does anyone care? Am I entertaining myself or do yawl get a kick out of my pedantic psychobabble? Can I be truly honest or do I censor myself for fear that others may read what I write? Am I even conscience of whether or not I censor what I write? Have I already said too much, or do you want more? Where is the line? Does this make sense to you? Have I run on enough for today or should I keep going? Are you still there? Is this thing on? Hello?

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