Thursday, September 11, 2003

The Good Life

Calling it an early evening, OK sort of. Given the last few nights have all seen the wrong side of midnight tonight will be early.

I had dinner with some coworkers from my plant in Mexico. They were tired of the same old, same old and asked if I would show them around Detroit. We could have kept it to Royal Oak and had a great time. I wasn't in the mood for Pronto (I rarely am though and really I wanted a meal.) and I knew my upper management was doing an "off-site" meeting at Mr.' B's so I avoided Main Street. We could have done the cliché thing and gone to dinner at Xochimilco's but it didn't seem like they were too keen on that. I decided on La Dolce Vita. It's total gay friendly. Sometimes more gay than others, tonight was one of those others, oh well. Which I suppose is OK. Vanessa and I are very good friends and Monika is a total flirt. They don't know about me, or at least they have never let on, so this way we can continue our working relationship as is. Monika loves teaching me new words, none of which will ever be useful out side of a bar, nevertheless. Victor, the CMM room guy, is quite. His English isn't as good as the girls but he gets it. I felt obligated to point out the strip clubs along 8 Mile Rd , but then felt guilty because I was getting the sense that he wanted to go to one but wasn't going to ask. Just as well, I've been to too many already in my life.

Checklist for this weekend:
1. Clean house
2. Work on upstairs renovation
3. Birthday present for Zakkery and Wesley
4. Workout at gym